OSHC Weekly Update

This term in Macedon Primary School OSHC we are focusing on healthy habits. This has involved updating our weekly menu under the guidance of Vic Kids Eat Well https://www.vickidseatwell.health.vic.gov.au/.
We have also ordered a range of new sports equipment.
Last week in OSHC the children engaged in fun science week activities. They explored the chemistry behind growing crystals and the chemistry and earth science of movement of the water cycle. Check out the pictures below!
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Father's Day card making | Father's Day craft | Father's Day craft | Father's Day craft | Father's Day craft |
Before School Menu:
Each morning the following breakfast food is offered:
- Wholemeal toast with spreads.
- Cheese toasties.
- Porridge, Cornflakes, Rice Bubbles.
- Yoghurt.
After School Menu:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Biscuits, cheese, tomato and cucumber. Fresh fruit. | Pizza. Fresh fruit. | Yoghurt. Fresh fruit. | Veggies and dip. Fresh fruit. | Popcorn. Fresh fruit. |
All girls attending our service on a Wednesday afternoon are welcome to join Cricket Victoria All Girls Cricket Blast Program on the school oval. Afternoon snacks will be provided for the girls after the clinic.
Thank you,
Vicki, Jess, Jack, Karen & Marie.