
Supporting the Community of St. Bede's to 'Live Well'
Bonjour tout le monde,
On Monday afternoon this week our school participated in a very exciting, entertaining and educational Wellbeing Incursion presented by Steph from Ned's Mindset Mission. Please see the note below from the NED organistation:
Hello, As you know we recently hosted an all school event called NED’s Mindset Mission. We trust your student was encouraged by the show which taught about having a positive Mindset for learning and life!
Mindset Mission yo-yos are still available for purchase at school to support the free show and message. If your student has already purchased a yoyo, here is an important link to help them get off to a good start with proper string length adjustment, click here. Additionally, here are a couple of our favorite follow up home resources from the Mindset Mission website. You may want to use these with your child as they are designed to go hand in hand with the programme.
If you'd like additional resources, they are available here. And don’t forget to ask your student what they learned in the show about having a growth mindset from YET the Yeti, Captain Kindly and during NED’s visit on the spaceship!Educating together!
The yo-yo's will continue to be on sale in the office at recess all week, aiming to finish up with sales next Monday. If your child would like to purchase a yoyo, please follow the information on the note that was sent home last week about paying with either cash or credit card details. Finally, you can use the NED's six trix resource to improve your skills.
Merci beaucoup.
Justin McFarlane
Student Wellbeing Leader