From the Acting Principal 

Michael Grose - Ways to overcome Childhood Anxiety

Michael Grose publishes weekly newsletters with parenting tips. This week he has an article "Introducing the most brilliant way to overcome childhood anxiety." In this article he talks about the 'three acts' that have lead to increased anxiety.


'In the 2010s, Act 3 began with the widespread use of smartphones and the increase in screen-based childhoods. Children spent more time indoors, glued to screens, which decreased their engagement in physical risk-taking activities. This also meant they missed out on the psychological benefits that come from facing and overcoming risks.


Additionally, children's resilience declined, and fear became more prevalent as children overestimated danger and underestimated their ability to cope. It became normal for children to catastrophize.' M Grosse


This is a great article not only looking at factors that have lead to increased anxiety but also ways we can help our children reduce anxiety. If you are interested in reading please click the link below.



Book Week next week

All book Week information is on the book week page of the newsletter. We have had a few inquiries in regards to the parade. It is Tuesday morning at 9am. The theme is Reading is Magic.



Book Fair Announcement

We are excited to announce that our yearly book fair has arrived! This is a wonderful opportunity to encourage our students' love of reading and support our school library. Each book sold earns points that allow us to purchase more books for our library.

Event Details:

  • Start Date: Wednesday, August 14th
  • End Date: Wednesday, August 21st (during Book Week)
  • Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM

The fair will be open both in the morning and afternoon, so come along and join us in celebrating the joy of reading!



We would like to remind you that classrooms are open from 8:30 AM, and classes begin promptly at 8:45 AM. Please ensure that your children arrive at school on time and are ready to start their day.


Premier's Reading Challenge

A reminder that the challenge finishes in 4 weeks on Friday 6th September. Please have all reading recorded in the website by Thursday 5th September to allow me time to verify all books.



Thank you for your continued support.

Go the Roos.




Acting Principal