eLearing News
Frank Cotela, eLearning Leader
eLearing News
Frank Cotela, eLearning Leader
This term, the Years 5s and 6s have been using their learning about Rocketry- to modify plastic bottles into rockets. They have been exploring how to reduce drag and how to distribute weight to achieve more successful flights.
On Thursday, September 19, 2024, after school, from 3:20pm to 4:15pm, I will set up the school oval for any Year 5 and 6 students who wish to demonstrate their bottle rockets to their parents. All welcome.
Over the past two weeks, preparation has been underway to set up pen pals for our Year 5 students with students from Longfellow Elementary School in Nebraska (USA). This week, the students from both schools were given the names of their pen pals.
This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to practise writing skills, learn about different cultures, and make new friends. We are excited to see the connections and friendships that will develop through this program.
In two weeks, we will have our first exchange of letters.
If you are a parent of a Year five student, please refer to the Seesaw message sent out this week regarding the project, as students will need to devote some home learning time to completing their letters.
In STEM/Digital Technologies, the Year 5/6s are currently investigating user interfaces. They are exploring how to improve the user interface of television remotes.
To assist with their project, they have developed some questions that will help them with their design.
It would be greatly appreciated if parents/carers could complete this survey.