By Matt Edwards (Secondary Chaplain)


If you recall in my last article, I spoke about how a lack of boundaries can leave a person open to experiencing all manner of things, good and bad. Healthy boundaries then act as protective measures, to keep out what is destructive, hurtful and damaging, and which allows for the good things in life to have space to be present and flourish.


So, let’s consider this in relation to social media!


Social media is interesting in that it gives people the opportunity to form an identity, even if they don’t realise it. People post what they are happy for others to see, and this implicitly means that they are not posting other stuff. They are choosing what they let people see, and in doing so, they present a form of themselves. One that they need to manage and protect, so that they can keep portraying a certain picture of who they are. 


This allows for an identity to be created. A version of a person that can become so strong, that it wrestles out former, or sub identities. 


If I portray myself as tough online, and this is who I want to be, I will try to be more tough wherever I go. It becomes me.


From a different angle, who are we letting in to our houses? If some of the people our children are interacting with online were to come and be at our house and to act like they do online, how would this sit with us? But we inevitably let these people into our house, through a screen, if our kids have access to them. 


This isn’t me saying that our kids should not be on social media, but how much are they being formed by it? Has it become the most formational thing in their life, even above what it means to belong to their family? And if this is so, we could ask the question: Who then are shaping our kids? 


You may have younger children, but now is the time to think about what measures would be good to have in place for when they start using it. 


In this space, the ‘why’ of the boundaries will be very important to explain. Looking at the resources below will help you to how to have conversations about their social media, and why these kinds of discussions are needed. 


For more information that explores this topic please follow the below links:








Keep an eye on this spot over the next editions and get to know our amazing wellbeing team! 

Georgie Armstrong (Head of Wellbeing - Secondary)

General Background? 

I am a bit of a bitzer! Born in South Africa but was raised in England and have now spent nearly half my life living in Australia. I love living in Emerald as it reminds me of England. I have two beautiful boys whom I am so proud of. My husband and I are both teachers, both of us have been fortunate to have one or both of our boys at school with us. 


When you were younger what did you want to be? I wanted to be an air hostess - I think because flying meant I was going to see a loved one.


What was your first job or your most unusual job? Working for my mum in her Ballet school as a dance teacher.


What is your role and when did you commence at BHCS? My current role is Health and Food Tech Teacher and Head of Wellbeing- Secondary. I started at BHCS in 2017. 


Best part about your job? My bucket is filled when I interact with others. 


Hobbies? My absolute love is walking my dog, Desmond. My day feels incomplete without my walk with him.

When you think about Jesus, what comes to mind? Love unconditionally


What is your favorite Movie? I loved the Greatest Showman


Favourite Meal? My go to whenever I go out to eat is Soup


Favourite holiday destination or place to visit? Cape Town in South Africa, or Barwon Heads


What are you passionate about? I adore my friends and spending time with them and my family.


Life verse or motto: What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us

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