It’s the most wonderful time of the year - KINDER BOOK WEEK!!
By Kirsty Messe (Kinder Director)
Early in the term Team Kinder sent out an email to all staff members of BHCS to see if anyone might possibly be interested in being a “Mystery Reader” during Kinder Book Week, and were overwhelmed by the amount of staff members who were willing to donate time out of their busy schedules to come and (in some cases even bring their own classes with them) visit our youngest students and read to us - what a community!
Our first day of Kinder Book Week kicked off with six mystery readers from throughout the school who were all very keen to join in our celebrations. We also had a tour around our very own D.C and were very surprised to find out there was much more to the D.C. than the picture story section. We learnt that there is art made by school students, fact books, chapter books, a quiet room to study (when we are bigger), a wall that was actually hiding a classroom with an excellent and surprising (to the students) view of Kinder and a storage room. We were also able to go into the D.C. office, where we learnt that they have a table that can go up and down and how they cover books in special plastic so that they can last a long time and that there are over 7000 books in the D.C. And if that wasn't exciting enough we learnt that when we are preppies we are allowed to visit the D.C. by ourselves at recess and lunchtime without a teacher, to borrow books or play games!
Our three-year-old-kinder group then joined in the fun with a variety of mystery readers joining their Kinder day reading stories.
On our third day of celebrations, we visited Belgrave Library and learnt we can borrow DVD's, board games and even games to play on an Xbox, PlayStation or Switch! We also got to see their box sorting machine that sorts the books into different categories.
I think one of our most favourite parts of Kinder Book Week, was being able to attend Kinder dressed as characters from our favourite books and show off our outfits around the school. We visited Year 9 rooms, drama class, VCE VM, the restaurant, the admin building, the D.C and the PLC.
Team Kinder would like to say a very big THANK YOU to all of our mystery readers and classrooms who warmly welcomed us into their classrooms for our Kinder Book Parade.
By Judy Friguglietti (Discovery Centre)
School was buzzing for Book Week, which began with a spectacular Parade of book characters at Primary Assembly on Monday, including some of our Year 12s for the first time ever! With the theme 'Read Your Way' there was lots of fun in the DC during the week. Thanks to students, parents and teachers for celebrating all things book-related with us!'