Community Notice Board

Raising tech healthy humans
Wednesday 4th September at 5:00pm
1 hour | FREE | St Lukes, Launceston
Award winning author Daniel Sih speaks with parents and educators across Australia about the joys and complexities of raising children in a technology immersed society. He answers pressing questions such as:
“When is the right time to give my child their first phone?”
“What forms of media are better for my child’s brain?” and
“How can I encourage my kids to embrace outdoor adventures?”
Rather than instilling fear about the potential perils of the modern world, Daniel offers practical, research-backed solutions to help parents to take small steps towards raising humans who enjoy technology while embracing life to the full!
Volunteers Needed
We have two camps coming up later this year that I wanted to bring to your attention, SUPA North and SUPA & Beyond.
SUPA North is for years 4 -6, and will run from October 5 - 8, also at Camp Carnacoo. This is more of an introduction to God, and the basic format is that we'll watch a movie over the course of the camp and explore its themes from a Christian perspective. This year we'll be watching the Lorax and seeking to understand a Christian vision of how we relate to the world around us. We'll be playing sports, doing craft, having a beach walk, and perhaps an excursion to Tasmania Zoo.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you are interested.
Blessings, Matt Munro
Field Development Manager Tasmania North, SU Australia
mobile 0428 793 953 | main (03) 6244 8422 |
RAAP is a program providing young adults with an awareness as to what can happen if they choose to drive in a particular manner or if, as a passenger you distract the driver.
The program is delivered by operational firefighters who have frontline experience with fatalities and serious injuries as a result of a car crash on the state's roads.
Location: LCS PAC
Date: Tuesday 20th August
Time: 7pm
For Grades 11 and 12 students who have a L or P plate driver's licence. Students who have recently graduated from LCS in the past 4 years are also encouraged to attend.
Questions can be directed to Adrian Gill on 0417141024 or