Year 6

Boeing Incursion

Our Year 6 students were lucky to take part in a STEM Outreach Event run by engineers from Boeing Aerostructures Australia on Tuesday 27th August. The four engineers discussed their roles and Boeing and the two key areas of development at Boeing, air and space travel. 

The Boeing team explained the basic parts and operations of a space rocket before students moved into small teams to design and build their own rockets. Each group varied their design, considering the size, weight and structure of their rockets with the aim of building the rocket which would fly the furthest.

Each group launched their rocket off the launchpad on the EHPS basketball court. With the help of a strong wind, we launched our rockets, with some travelling a record-breaking distance from one end of the EHPS basketball courts to the other.

The students enjoyed the experiment and were interested to discover what made the rockets fly the furthest. The Boeing team was very engaging, and it was excellent to have them here to show our students some of the amazing opportunities available for students interested in STEM.