Footy Colours Day

What is Footy Colours Day?

Footy Colours Day is an exciting whole school annual event. Students dress up in their favourite AFL football team colours and we celebrate all the teams with a parade and team music in the stadium. If your child follows a soccer or other sporting team instead of the AFL, they are welcome to wear that sporting team’s colours on the day. 

Parents/guardians are welcome to attend the parade in the gymnasium in the Stadium, and are invited to wear your colours too! Details will be advised on Compass closer to the date. 


Is this a fundraising event?

Yes. This is a very important event on our fundraising calendar. We raise money for a charity called ‘Fight Cancer Foundation: Footy Colours Day’ who help support kids with cancer. All students are asked to bring in a gold coin which will be collected on the day. 

If all students bring in a $2 coin, we will raise over $1,000; however, this is an important charity, and all donations are welcome. 


When is Footy Colours Day?

This event will take place on Thursday 19 September (the last Thursday of this term). We will have a parade in the Stadium from 10am to 11am. Parents are welcome to attend. 


What else is happening on the day?

In conjunction with this event, there is a Hot Dog Lunch hosted by the PFC. Order and pay for your hot dog and juice combo online by Tuesday 17 September.