Principal's Report

Dear EHPS Parents and Carers,


Recently, the State Government and the Department of Education announced that the overall 2024 NAPLAN results were very pleasing, especially at the primary level.


Victorian Year 3 students achieved the highest scores for reading and numeracy of any jurisdiction for the third year in a row. The national trend for Year 3 reading was that the average score declined. 


Victoria also achieved the first or second highest mean scores of all jurisdictions in 7 out of 8 measures in reading and writing and achieved the top results in the country for writing in Years 5, 7 and 9.


Our Essex Heights results again showed how well our children are doing.

Update – Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey – end date extended

Every year the school in conjunction with the Department of Education conducts a survey to seek family feedback about their perceptions of the school. The survey is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behavior, and student engagement.

A few weeks ago, 185 families chosen at random by computer received a link which would enable them to complete the survey. If you received that email, can I please encourage you to complete the survey. Only 59 families have completed the survey. 

I urge the other 126 families to please complete the survey as soon as possible. Your opinions are important to us and will contribute to identifying areas for improvement and professional development needs in the school, to target school planning and improvement strategies. 

The survey is being conducted online and only takes a maximum of 20 minutes (often between 10-12 min) to complete. It can be completed on any internet enabled device (desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone) and is compatible with most browsers.


The Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey will remain open online until Friday 20 September 2024.

Traffic Management in Essex Road

I have again had to be in communication with the police and the City of Monash regarding the traffic management issues around our school and neighbouring streets. 

By following the advice below I am sure that we can all make the roads around our school safer for our community and respectful to our neighbours:

  • Follow all parking signs.
  • Obey the 40km/hour speed limit in Essex Road.
  • DO NOT perform U-Turns in front of the school and/or cross a solid white line in the middle of the road.
  • Pedestrians should always use the School Crossing.
  • Do not park across driveways.
  • Use the Kiss and Drop zone: 
    • Drive as far down as possible when entering the Kiss and Drop zone.
    • Cars cannot park in the Kiss and Drop zone between 8.30am and 9.30am and also between 3pm and 4pm.
  • Children should alight from vehicles on the passenger side of the car.

I realise that often families are dropping off children whilst on the way to work, but a little patience and consideration on the road will make everyone much safer.

Early arrival & late pick up

There is a growing trend of children being dropped off at school very early. I am very concerned that children in the school grounds are therefore unsupervised until yard duty begins at 8.45am. I urge all families to NOT leave children in the school grounds before 8.45am. If you need to get to work and have the children supervised, please use our excellent Before School Care program run in the School Hall every day from 7am. 

Similarly a number of children are regularly in the school grounds after 3.45pm waiting for parents. Yard duty supervision by staff concludes at 3.45pm, and students are not to be in the school grounds if unsupervised by an adult after this time. Please use our excellent After School Care program if you cannot collect your children by school dismissal at 3.30pm.  

The safety of all children is very important to us all. Please work with us to ensure that all children arrive at school at a reasonable time and are able to be supervised appropriately.

Excellent achievements by our students

  • Olivia L (6C) has been awarded the Associate in Music, Australia (AMusA) diploma by Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB) for her outstanding skills in her violin exam. Special congratulations to Olivia for receiving this diploma which is usually attained by VCE students or higher. Well done, Olivia.
  • District Athletics - 80 students represented the school. Well done to everyone for their excellent effort and results. 33 students are now moving on to Division Athletics finals.
  • Both the Girls and Boys AFL 9s teams have won through to the Region Finals.
  • Aria G (6C) who trained hard in preparation for an important jiu jitsu competition which was held recently. Aria received two silver medals for her efforts - well done! 
  • Ryan W (6D) represented Victoria in the national hockey finals held in Cairns recently. The Victorian Team played six games and ended up finishing fifth. Well done Ryan!

Congratulations to everyone!

Planning for 2025

Planning for next year is well on its way. We have had huge interest for Prep for 2025. The school received over 150 applications. We have confirmed 80 enrolments for Prep next year.

Now, our Prep transition team will be visiting Kindergartens to learn more about the children so that we can be best prepared for the coming year, they are organising small mini transition sessions, as well as planning the formal transition sessions and information sessions for Term 4.

As I am sure you are aware, due to enrolment pressures we are only taking in zone enrolments in all year levels. We expect over 600 students for 2025. The breakdown of classes for next year is the same as 2024 and is shown below:

Thank you PFC 

Last week the Parents & Friends Club (PFC) again held two events that were so special for our children. Both the Father's Day Treat Breakfast and the Father's Day Stall were a highlight in the lead up to Father’s Day. Thanks to all that attended the breakfast. It was so good to see so many fathers or special persons able to attend. The Stall on Friday was filled with interesting things for the children to purchase. Special thanks again must go the PFC Executive and other parent volunteers that made both events possible. Thank you!!!



I look forward to seeing you around school.

Kindest regards,

George Perini
