

Estimation is a valuable math skill that your child uses every day, often without even realizing it. Whether they're guessing the number of items in a jar or estimating the time it will take to walk to school, estimation helps them make quick, practical decisions. According to Teaching Primary Mathematics by George Booker, honing these skills can significantly enhance a child’s mathematical confidence and understanding.


Why Estimation Is Important

Estimation encourages children to develop a strong number sense and problem-solving ability. It’s a skill that makes math relevant in everyday life, allowing kids to make reasonable guesses and apply math in practical situations. Estimation helps them think flexibly and approach problems from different angles.


How You Can Encourage Estimation at Home

  1. Estimate Quantities:  Ask your child to guess how many apples are in a bag or how many steps it will take to reach the car. Then, count or measure to see how close they were. 
  2. Time Estimation:  Encourage your child to estimate how long it will take to complete a task, like brushing their teeth or finishing homework. 


A Great Resource:

To make estimation even more engaging, I highly recommend checking out This website offers a wide range of daily challenges designed to improve estimation skills in a fun and interactive way. Each activity encourages your child to think critically about numbers and helps them see the practical side of math. It’s a fantastic tool for making estimation a regular part of your child’s learning routine.


Kelvin Tang

Numeracy Specialist