Level 2: Connect

Thank you to all the parents who volunteered during the swimming sessions and to everyone for ensuring that the swimming bags were packed and ready to go! We truly appreciate your support during these events—your organisation and expertise... especially when it comes to getting those swimming caps on, are invaluable!
We have a science incursion on Wednesday 28 August.
In the coming weeks, our students will continue their exciting journey into the world of poetry. They will delve deeper into the art of crafting diamante poems, where they will explore the structure and form that make these poems unique. As they write, students will harness the power of nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs to create vivid and expressive work that showcase their creativity and understanding of language.
Additionally, students will be introduced to writing persuasive texts. Through the examination of various examples and styles, they will learn to identify the key elements that make a persuasive argument effective. By exploring the structure of these texts, students will develop the skills to craft their own persuasive pieces, using language to influence and engage their readers. We are excited to see how our students will grow as both poets and persuasive writers!
Our reading sessions will focus on exploring the meaning behind poetry. As we delve into various poems, we will guide the students in identifying key words and phrases that serve as clues to understanding the deeper message of the text. To make this journey engaging and educational, we will be reading riddle poems and poetry with narratives. These types of poems are particularly effective in helping students uncover meaning by piecing together the hints provided in the language. We look forward to seeing our young readers develop their skills in interpreting and appreciating poetry!
Parents can you solve the riddle?
Remember books are allocated to your child to read each week on 'Wushka.' Students can also take home books from the classroom if they prefer a hard book.
In our spelling lessons, we are focusing on using memory to read and write "heart words"— words that are recognised by sight without needing to sound them out. Additionally, students are learning to use morphemes, the smallest units of meaning in a word, to help decode and understand new vocabulary. Finally, we are emphasising the importance of reading with fluency and accuracy, allowing students to read smoothly and confidently while understanding what they read.
The spelling patterns we are focusing on are:
In the coming weeks, our Year 2 students will focus on learning and consolidating their knowledge of the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They will practice these essential skills and then apply their understanding to solve various worded problems.
Student's in Action