Foundation: Connect

Term 3 


In Numeracy, we have been reviewing teen numbers and finding different ways we can represent these. We have been using think boards to show our understanding.


We have continued our work with non-fictions texts in Literacy and Inquiry. Moving into Week 6, students will create their very own poster on a chosen animal, which will bring together all their learning over the last few weeks. Students loved creating clay models of animals and describe it using adjectives.

Clay animals from Week 6
Clay animals from Week 6

Jumping forward we will be getting into the swing of Book Week and will be completing a range of activities based on the short listed books. The titles we will be looking at are; If I was a horse, Australia:County of Colour & The Concrete Garden.


If you are wanting to focus on something at home, you might like to review  Heart words with your child. We are continuing to consolidate are; have, saw, look, they, there, he and she. Over week 7&8 we will be introducing said & what.



Swimming has been going very smooth. Thank you to all helpers who have met us at the pool or jumped on the bus. With all this help, it has made it such an enjoyable experience. Getting on a bus with Foundation students is always exciting and lots of moving parts, so again we really appreciate all the support.

We also had Alison think well ahead and provide us with some spare underwear which have been used and saved the day many times ! Thanks Alison.


Book Week