Mrs Perestrello (Assistant Principal), Mrs Galvin, Ms Michaelopoulos and Ms Fan
Mrs Perestrello (Assistant Principal), Mrs Galvin, Ms Michaelopoulos and Ms Fan
Kindergarten celebrated their 100 days of learning this term. Students have learnt so much in the last 100 days and it was a
The 100th day of Kindergarten is a BIG deal - just ask Mrs Perestrelo, Ms Fan, Ms Michaelopolous, Mrs Galvin and students! They were thrilled to find out that on Wednesday, they'd officially become 100 days smarter!
This significant achievement was cause for celebration, as well as an opportunity for Kindergarten students to reinforce, practice and build their number sense up to 100 and reflect on all the learning that they have accomplished.
To demonstrate their learning over the past 100 days of school, student were asked to reflect on some of the things they’d enjoyed doing and what they think they will look like when they reach 100.
Thank you to all the families that joined us in our afternoon picnic, it was a lovely afternoon celebrating all of our accomplishments and being able to share that experience with you.
Congratulations Kindergarten you’re officially 100 days smarter!