Curriculum News

Wellbeing News
This week the Semester 2 Wellbeing Representatives met and discussed the different ways we can keep ourselves and others safe in the classroom. It was great to see the students working together to create posters that they could take back and share with their classes.
They came up with many ideas but all agreed that the best way to keep classrooms safe is to always respect others, use safe hands and safe feet, speak kindly and look out for others. All things that St Brigid’s students do already!!
Sound East Water Competition.
National Water Week is 21-27 October 2024. To help celebrate South East Water is holding a poster competition that is now open for all Victorian kindergarten and primary school students. The theme is ‘Water for all, inspiring action’, which highlights the important role water plays in bringing individuals and communities together. Entries are open to kindergarten through to Year 6 primary students who can design, draw or paint a poster that demonstrates how water for all inspires action. Please click on this link to access the competition.
Entries close Friday 6 September 2024, 5pm. Winners will be announced