Resource Centre

Scholastic Book Fair
Earlier this week, we finally wrapped up our Book Fair by delivering the items that were re-ordered from the event.
Book Week 2024
What a week we had last week celebrating Book Week! Our Character Parade on Wednesday was certainly a highlight.
I would like to begin by thanking all those who made our Character Parade possible. An especially big thank you to our families who supported their child/ren in preparing their costumes. It is always a pleasure to see so many family members attending our Parade and getting into the spirit of Book Week.
The Parade is always enhanced by the enthusiasm of our students. This year we had the pleasure of having a number of Secondary students helping our younger students and participating in the Parade.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms O’Neill who ran our sound system and the IT department for their support. We can not forget our teachers and professional staff who keep the high energy going.
Throughout the week there were lunchtime activities that many of our younger students participated with much enthusiasm. I would like to again thank Ms O’Neill for all of her planning, preparation and running of these activities. Many of the tasks are currently displayed in the library.
Author Visit - Eleanor Pearson
What a pleasure it was to host Eleanor Pearson in the Resource Centre on Thursday 29 August.
Eleanor is a teacher in Albury. She is a first time author who has written a book titled, “Reading is NOT just for Bedtime”. This picture book has been nominated for the ABLE Golden Book Awards.
Eleanor spoke to students in Kindergarten to Year 7 about the process of writing and publishing books. This was very interesting for our students as she was able to relate the writing process to our learning in the classroom. Eleanor answered lots of interesting questions from students and staff. Some questions asked included, “Have you had your book translated into other languages?”, “What is the cost of publishing a book?” and “Did being a teacher assist in writing the books?”
If you are interested in purchasing a book, Eleanor has left a few signed copies with with the Resource Centre staff. Her book is also available to purchase from the Collins Bookstore in Echuca.
Thank you to our families who entered books read onto the Premiers Reading Challenge portal last Friday. Certificates will be sent out at the end of this year.
Keep reading!
Ms Height and Ms O’Neill
Resource Centre Team