Teaching & Learning

Science of Learning: Spatial Predictability Guides Attention

Did you know that if we know where something will occur, it allows us to attend to it more efficiently and quickly?


Moama Anglican Grammar’s learning partnership with educational neuroscientist Dr Jared Cooney Horvath has highlighted this notion, otherwise known as Spatial Predictability.


The following short clip outlines this learning principle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbdPzRelip8


Whilst this clip focuses on classroom applications, I am curious to know how this could apply to our home environment in regard to task completion, organisation and routines?  What real world examples of spatial predictability can you think of?


I am keen to capture the creative thinking of our Moama Anglican Grammar families via the following link: https://forms.gle/8d1EVfDdBczBPbWu9


Mrs Brooke Barber

Director of Teaching and Learning K-12