Principal's Message

Book Week Bonanza
Our recent Book Week Dress-Up Day was a huge hit! The day started with a colourful parade in the morning, where students proudly showed off their amazing costumes inspired by their favourite book characters. It was wonderful to see how much effort each child put into their outfits, and the parade was a great way for everyone to share in the fun.
After the parade, the students took part in a range of activities that sparked their imaginations and made reading even more enjoyable. We mixed the age groups so that our younger students could be supported by their older peers, creating a lovely atmosphere of teamwork and friendship across all year levels.
The staff also joined in the fun, dressing up as characters from various beloved books, adding to the joyful atmosphere of the day.
The activities were as diverse as they were engaging. In the Concrete Garden group, students transformed our rebound wall area with vibrant chalk drawings, bringing the plain space to life with their colourful creations. The Bowerbird Blues group ventured outside to take photos of treasures, creating their own unique blue collections. Meanwhile, in Colours of Australia, students used watercolour paints to bring their own imaginative designs to life, showcasing their ability to play with colour.
In the Every Night at Midnight group, children explored the concept of animal representation, drawing animals that they felt connected to. These individual drawings were then combined to create a stunning whole-school cityscape.
It was truly a fantastic day, one that we all look forward to each year. For us, Book Week is about celebrating the magic of books and the power of imagination. The more we promote a love of books, the more we hope to instil a love for reading. Thank you to everyone who made the day so special!
On Monday, 19th August, 18 of our students represented our school at the Division Athletics Competition in Bendigo. Originally scheduled for the previous Friday, the event had to be rescheduled due to horrendous weather.
A special thank you goes to Mr Steere, who went above and beyond to ensure our students made it to the competition. When our originally booked mini-bus became unavailable at the last minute, Mr Steere rose early on Monday morning to travel to Tullamarine to pick up a 24-seat mini-bus.
Our students competed in a variety of events, including shot put, discus, long jump, high jump, and several running events. From all reports, it was wonderful to see the determination and sportsmanship on display as they competed against other schools. Their hard work paid off, as many of our students returned with ribbons, which shows how determined they were. The pride on their faces as they shared their achievements was so pleasing to see. We would also like to extend our gratitude to the families who came to support our students on the day. Your encouragement and presence made the moments even more special. A big thank you as well to the parents who handed out ribbons ensuring that the staff could concentrate on making sure the athletes got to their events.
The Division Athletics Competition was not only a day of athletic success but also a shining example of the teamwork and community spirit that makes our school so special. Congratulations to all our students for their fantastic efforts!
On 19/8/2024 I went to inter-school athletics. We left on the bus 8:30 AM and arrived in Bendigo at 10:00 AM. I competed in the 100 meter sprint, 800 meter race, 100 X 4 relay, and discus. I went very well, I came 1st in the 100-meter sprint, 5th or 6th in the 800-meter race, last in discus, and the relay team came 2nd. Overall, It was a great day and I had so much fun. - Bella
On Monday 19th August 2024, I went to the Bendigo Interschool Athletics. I was in the 100m race, 200m race, long jump and the relay. I was in the division one 11 girls group for everything except the relay. There weren't enough 11 girls for the relay so I got put up into the 12-13 girls relay with Bella, Abby and Heidi. Our team finished 2nd out of 4. - Abbi
On Monday, the 19/8/2024, I went to interschool sport in Bendigo for athletics. At athletics, I did the 200m race and the 4x100m relay. In the 12-13 200m race, I came third. After the race, I was really tired, and my legs were hurting. My team for the relay was Heidi, Abby, Abbi, and Bella. I was third to get the relay stick, but we ended up coming 2nd. Athletics was really fun, and the school did really well. - Abby
Yesterday, we went to Bendigo for athletics. Nineteen people, including me, participated in many different activities. I did a 4x100m relay, a 100m race, and a 200m race as well. I came third in the two races and fourth in the relay! Overall, it was really fun! - Peter
At Bolinda Primary School, our staff are always approachable and available to address any questions you may have. We encourage face-to-face communication whenever possible, as it allows for more efficient and effective collaboration. Our teachers are often outside during pickup at the end of the day, making it easy to have a quick chat. By maintaining strong communication, we can work together to provide the best learning environment for our children.
A Splash of Rainbows
We had a splash of colour added to our foyer of the admin building this week. In Art, the Year 2/3/4 class made a unique-looking piece of art that showed the children's worries but also reminded them that there is always a rainbow waiting for them. This social-emotional learning helps the children to remember that even though they may not feel like themselves, there is also something bright in their lives they can turn to.
Wellbeing Round-Up
Wellbeing in young people can be nurtured in many ways, and one particularly effective method is through singing, especially in groups. With this in mind, we’ve started a Singing Club! Students in Years 3-6 are invited to join us for a fun session in the library every Friday afternoon. For our younger students in Prep to Year 2, I visit during the week for some relaxing breathing exercises and joyful group singing with Ms. Rapetti.
So, if your child hops into the car on Friday singing a tune or two, be sure to compliment their unique and fantastic voice! The benefits of a good, hearty sing are well-documented—group singing has been shown to synchronise heartbeats, creating a sense of unity with others and nature. It also lowers cortisol levels, helping to relieve stress, and increases the release of oxytocin and endorphins, two of the body's feel-good hormones. For a more comprehensive look at the benefits of singing, you can explore further information here.
In other news, I recently met with our Wellbeing Student Leaders to discuss how I can support them in achieving their goals. I was truly impressed by their dedication and commitment. They’re doing excellent work in promoting inclusion and respect, both in the playground and the classroom. Keep an eye out for an upcoming Colouring Competition, organised by the Wellbeing Leaders, which will run over the school holidays as a celebration of these important values.
Thank you for reading, and I look forward to sharing more wellbeing news and updates in future newsletters.
Juliarna Clark
Science Week Incoming
Next week, Bolinda Primary School will be buzzing with excitement as we celebrate Science Week! This year, we have placed a significant focus on nurturing every child's critical thinking skills, and it's been wonderful to see how this has sparked a genuine enthusiasm for STEM among our students.
Our Year 5/6 students are currently diving deep into the world of electricity. They’ve been experimenting with circuits and are in the midst of creating some impressive skill testers. The creativity and innovation on display are truly remarkable, and it's clear that our young scientists are having a blast while learning.
To top it all off, we have a big surprise planned for Science Week that we’re sure will make the week even more memorable. We can't wait to see the curiosity and excitement it will bring to our students!
Science Week promises to be a fun experience for everyone involved. Stay tuned for what’s sure to be an exciting week!
Bolinda Primary School has been successful in securing a Sporting Schools grant, which has allowed us to bring a professional tennis coach to our school each Tuesday. This exciting opportunity means our students are now receiving hour-long tennis lessons, and the enthusiasm from the children has been evident right from the very first session.
Despite the weather not always being on our side, it hasn’t dampened the students’ spirits. We’re incredibly grateful for this opportunity, and we’re sure the skills and enjoyment the students are gaining will have a lasting impact.
Toilets Upgrade Update
It’s been a while since I last provided an update on the new toilets, but I’m pleased to share some news. Our tender process was finally completed, though it took longer than expected. Initially, all the builders submitted quotes that exceeded our $498,000 budget, so they had to refine the project. With the necessary adjustments made, we are awaiting approval from the financial department to commence the build.
We anticipate minimal disruption to the school during the construction, as the builders plan to complete most of the work during the school holidays. I’ll be able to share the final design with the community soon, once I receive clearance to do so.
Ranges Music Network
We're on a mission ... to recruit #MoreDrummers!
Start drumming now with a 4 week half term of the Ranges Music Network's #BreakBeats Lunch Drum Club.
Give us 40 minutes over lunch, once a week and we'll get you on your way to Rock n Roll heaven!
Check out the Ranges Music Network page for more information.
Email or join now at