Acting Principal's Message 

Thank you St Andrew's Community! 

Feast of the Assumption

Heavenly mother, filled with God’s grace, 

pray for us today and all days, 

that we may strive to trusting, patient and faithful, 

as you were, 

so that we may one day join you and all saints in heaven.

 In Jesus’s name we pray. 


Dear Families,

Today is the Feast of the Assumption, a day that marks  a teaching of the Catholic Church, which states that after the Holy Mother of Jesus died, she was resurrected, glorified, and her soul was taken to heaven. The Assumption signals the end of Mary's life on Earth and her return to heaven to be reunited with Jesus. This is a special day in the Church calendar that we have marked by attending Mass led by Fr Joe Shibu. 


The 5/6 students have had a busy week, attending an excursion to the Chinese Museum in the city where they learnt all about Chinese culture. Some students have shared differnt aspects of the day in this newsletter, enjoy reading them! 


A group of 30 Year 5/6 students were also given the opportunity to go to an excursion run by Monash University called "Robogals", where they got to learn and experiment with STEM in a university setting. Thank you to Monash for inviting us to attend!!


Driving around the school 

We have had reports and witnessed some people choosing to drive unsafely around the school at pick up and drop off times. Please remember there are lots of young people arriving and leaving school in the morning and afternoon and road rules must be followed. 

  • When using the drop and go zone on Bunney Rd, pull to the front of the area to drop off your children, you cannot park. There are no u-turns allowed both on Bunney Rd and Springs Rd.
  • Please do not drive into the staff carpark or school grounds in the mornings or afternoons, these areas are not for parents and families to park. 
  • We have also had feedback from neigbouring houses that parents are sometimes parking on the grass, they have asked that we do not park on the grass as it is damaging their lawn.

We ask all drivers to please keep our children safe when driving around the school.


School Closure Day

Staff will be participating in Professional Learning day on Friday 16th August.

There will be no school for students on this day.


Youth Leadership will be open on this day. Please book online at 


Semester 1 Parent/Child/Interviews

Prep R and Year 3/4T - Interviews will be held upon their return from leave, at the start of Term 4. 


Parent/Child/Teacher Interviews on Monday 16th September - All grades except Prep R and 3/4T

Bookings will be open soon for the Semester 2 Parent/Child/Teacher Interviews. Interviews will be 10 minutes and held in the School Hall on Monday 16th September between 2.30pm and 7.00pm.

The booking code will be sent out to families closer to the date.


We encourage all children to be active participants in the 10 minute interviews.    This provides an opportunity for children to share their learning journey and successes with their family and to also be active responsible participants in their own learning.  



Attendance and school start/finish times

Please ensure that your child/ren arrive for school on time (between 8.15am and 8.30am - not before 8.15am) each day and that you are at school to collect your children at 3.15pm.


 There are staff members on duty from 8.15am – 8.45am each morning and after school until 3.30pm.  If you are running late to pick up your child (after 3.15pm) please contact the office as soon as possible.  


It is important that your child/ren are on time every day.   Children arriving late also interrupt their teachers and the learning and teaching of all the other children in their class.


On those occasions when you are running late to school, parents or guardians need to accompany their children into the School Office where they sign in their child on the iPad for each child.  Parents taking children early prior to 3.15pm must also enter via the School Office and complete the same process. 


Reporting absence and late arrivals

If your child will be absent or late for school you will need to advise the office of an explanation for your child’s absence by 8.45am. This can be done by email to or by calling the school 9551 5094 and leaving a message as prompted.  This is a legal requirement and should be attended to as a matter of priority. 



2025 Prep Enrolments


If you have a child ready for Prep 2025, we encourage you to please put in an enrolment form as soon as possible. This will help us with organisation purposes. To access an enrolment form:

  • Visit the enrolment section of our school website and download an enrolment form 

2024 School Calendar 

The 2024 School Calendar is available on the School Website. It can be found mid-way down on the front page under the heading ‘WHAT’S ON’.   We will endeavour, where possible, to remain true to the dates on the 2024 calendar. We would recommend that parents make a regular visit to the school website to see updates on all school events.



Mrs Nicole Black

(Acting Principal)