Term 2 Updates

Geography Excursion - Thursday the 8th August
Our Year 11 Geography students went on a fieldtrip to Melbourne CBD. As part of Unit 2 Tourism, students explored various sites collecting primary and secondary data to help their investigation. Students visited numerous sites including Flinders Street, ACMI, Collins Street, Bourke Street Mall, the laneways and Southbank. A good tourism experience was had by all.
Inside the classroom
Our Maths and Science domains have been busy with practical activities in the classroom. Check out the photos below:
In Science, 901 has been completing brain dissections as part of their investigations into the way the body works, focussing on the nervous system.
In Year 7 maths, students have been practicing skills of substituting values.
In Year 11 maths, staff set up a crime scene for students to see how maths is used in real life situations. Students measured the size, shape and location of blood splatters. Their knowledge of trigonometry then allowed them to calculate the height from which the gun was fired and speculate on what had taken place at the crime scene.
People actually use trigonometry after they leave school! Who knew?