Principal Report

School Review – Update
This term, we have been undertaking our School Review process. I want to thank the large range of staff, countless student focus group sessions, and parent focus group session for all of your contributions to this process. Our final Review Day takes place on Tuesday, where we begin to plan out our next Strategic Plan based on all the information gathered. I look forward to sharing further information later this year.
2025 Planning
As part of the lead-up to the school review process and the work that the Principal Team has been doing this year, the school's Leadership structure for 2025 has been formalised. Early this term, a number of key leader positions were advertised and I am pleased to announce the school’s leadership structure and team members for 2025. The staff members includes a mix of existing leaders of the college, and some new staff to join the team in 2025.
Principal Team
Principal – Shaun Doherty
Business Manager – Cindy Craven
Assistant Principals – George Atrache, Todd Slater, Tommy Olden, Kathryn Henderson, Frances Italia, Stephania Johnson-Turner
Learning Specialists
- Instructional Leader – Pedagogy / Literacy - Emerald Gatti
- Instructional Leader – Pedagogy / Differentiation – Nicola Kingston
- Instructional Leader – Pedagogy / High Impact Wellbeing Strategies – Laura Monk
- Instructional Leader – Curriculum - Jo Bolding
- Instructional Leader – Data and Assessment - Raf Kaplon
- Instructional Leader – Academic Excellence and Extension - Hemani Kiran
- Instructional Leader – SWPBS – Naomi Basile
- Applied Learning / Engagement Learning Specialist - Liz McCormack
- Numeracy Learning Specialist - Aaron Hernyak
- English Domain Leader - Emma Williams
- Maths Domain Leader - Ab Singh
Leading Teachers
- Inclusion – De’Anne Weller
- Learning Community Leader – Year 7 – Matthew Hodgson
- Learning Community Leader – Year 8 – Stephanie Andjelkov
- Learning Community Leader – Year 9 – Ben Verbi
- Learning Community Leader – Year 10 – Jo Anketell
- Learning Community Leader – Year 11 - Nicola Power
- Learning Community Leader – Year 12 – Tania Miller
- Acting Leading Teacher – Caitlin Cornaggia
- Head of Wellbeing – Sarah Williams
Further to these appointments, we are well underway with our planning for 2025. This includes the subject selection processes for students. Thank you to everyone who has been involved in this process. While college students have a wide variety of subjects to choose from, elective subjects will only run if there are sufficient numbers as determined by the Principal Team and where a subject does not have sufficient numbers to run, students will be allocated into one of their reserve preferences. As we approach Rollover in Term 4, further information will be provided to students and families.
Curriculum Day
On Wednesday this week, all staff undertook some professional learning as part of the Curriculum Day. This learning was based on the work that we have been undertaking this year including our focus on School Wide Positive Behaviour, classroom routines and the implementation of our instructional model. This valuable time that was set aside for our staff has assisted with reflecting on our current implementation of a number of key things and how we further support the learning and calm and orderly learning environment for our students. Some reflections from the implementation of our classroom routines this term have shown positive feedback on the calm and settled nature of our classrooms. We have begun to gather some feedback from our student cohort on our routines implantation and look forward to doing more of this to embed the practices of classroom entry, exit and cue to start.
Musical Showcase
Thank you to Holly Timewell and the staff and students involved in the preparation for our Musical Showcase on the 30th and 31st of August. I have heard about the great excitement and work that has gone into this showcase and hope that we can get as many families to come along to the event -