Important information

Term 2 - Week 2

Dear Parents / Carers,

This newsletter is designed to inform you of what your child will be learning in  Grade 1 classrooms this week. We will be sharing with you important dates, curriculum topics, ways you can help at home, etc.


Upcoming dates

Thursday 25th AprilAnzac Day Public Holiday
Friday 26th AprilCurriculum Day- No students at school
Thursday 2nd / Friday 3rd MaySchool Photos
Thursday 9th / Friday 10th MayMothers Day Stall
Monday 13th May - Friday 17th MayEducation Week
Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May Reconciliation Week
Monday 10th JuneKing's Birthday Holiday
Tuesday 25th JuneReports go live
Friday 28th JuneLast day of Term 2 early finish
Important Reminders
  • Don’t forget hats in Term 1 and Term 4.
  • Ensure that your child reads every night for 15-20 minutes.
  • Classroom doors open at 8:35am each morning. It is an expectation that all students will read for 10 minutes at the start of each school day. Classroom instruction begins at 8:45am.
  • Student diaries should be signed each night and brought to school every day.
  • Record the total running nights of reading each night in the school diary.
  • Bring blue satchel to school every day.
  • Art smocks are to be brought to school.
  • Nude food (no wrappers in lunch box).
  • Brain food is water and a small piece of fruit/vegetable only.

ALL students and families must use the school crossing when crossing roads that surround our school.


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