
Present in the moment

Present in the moment.....

Being present in the moment means 'to be aware and mindful of what is happening at that very moment.'

I truly believe that being present in the moment is something that requires determination and practice for lots of us, myself included. Recently I have been trying very hard to be present in the moment in whatever I do. It's easy for us busy adults to be thinking of a 100 different things while we go about our daily routines. I am very aware that if I am not present in the moment I am not doing my best in my role as a teacher, colleague, friend, mother, family member etc etc.  Being aware of my thoughts and making my mind truly focus on my immediate task is something that is becoming easier for me as the months go on.


These holidays I wanted to share raise the concept of 'being present in the moment' as often over Easter we have time offf work to spend with our families and our beautiful children. Perhaps now is the time for you take up the challenge, like I have, to be in the present moment with the people you are with, or the task you are completing. 

Hold eye contact, really hear what your children our saying, put your phone down, respond to others, enjoy the peace as you walk the dog, let your mind go blank. 


I hope that you all have a beautiful time with your families over Easter conncecting with those you love and strengthening your relationships. 


Rikki Winduss

Wellbeing Leader