Specialist News


Aus Bike Roadshow

During week 4 we were lucky enough to have a qualified bike instructor come to our school to conduct free bike education sessions with all students in year 4, 5 and 6.

The sessions were a fun way to get the students moving and also refresh basic bike riding skills and rules to keep them safe.

Bike riding is a great social activity for families of all ages to get involved with. Check out the Ride for Nation website for nearby tracks and upcoming events.



District Athletics

On Wednesday 8th May we had 36 students head off to Casey Fields Regional Athletics track to compete in the District carnival. Seven schools competed across all track and field events for qualification to the Division events.

It was a fantastic day and all students displayed the school values.

Well done to the following 7 students who have progressed to the Division event which will be held in Term 3.

  • Zayne A - 1500m
  • Elliot F - Hurdles
  • John C - 100m & High Jump
  • Sophie A - 1500m 
  • Koah C - Shot Put
  • Nathan B - Long Jump
  • Alexis V - High Jump

Year 3 and 4 Swimming 

As part of the schools swimming program all students in year 3 and 4 had the opportunity to take part in five 45 min swimming lessons at Casey Race. These lessons were subsided using the Swimming in Schools funding and enabled students the chance to build upon their swimming ability and knowledge of water safety. 

Upcoming Events:

  • Wednesday 29th May - Division Cross Country (10 qualifying students only)
  • Wednesday 12th June - Regional Cross Country (qualifying students only)
  • Tuesday 18th June - Winter Lightning Premier Sports (Year 5 and 6 students)
  • Monday 24th June - First Aid in Schools Incursion (all year levels will attend a free 45 minute session)

Junior School

The Foundation students have begun talking about the Zones of Regulation. We have been tracing our bodies with chalk and drawing all the things that make us happy and watching Bluey to discuss the emotions the characters feel and some strategies to help them. So the next time you're watching bluey talk about what the characters are feeling and how do you know they're feeling from their facial expressions or the words they are saying. The years 1 and 2 have continued to discuss healthy eating and our bodies by looking at healthy lunchboxes and naming the bones in our bodies and why we have bones.

Middle School

The year 3 students have been discussing the importance of looking after our bones and teeth by drinking and eating dairy products. we ran an experiment where we placed 4 hard boiled eggs into 4 cups of different liquids to see what would happen. It is safe to say that the milk and water had no effect on the eggs, the coke and juice caused the colour to change and rub off and the inside to turn soggy. While the year 4 students have been creating an ad about healthy eating on iMovie.

Senior School

The year 5 students have been creating menus which include dairy foods. They had to research their menu items and then collaborate together to create their menu as a Google Doc. The year 6 students have created health campaigns on iMovie around the importance of exercising, eating healthy but also staying away from drugs and alcohol.

Phoenix Soar

They Year 5 and 6 students have now finished their Phoenix Soar program. The program ran across 4 weeks with a mixture of in classroom work and outside games to put the skills into real life actions. Here's what some of the students had to say about the experience:

:I loved Phoenix Soar because it gave me life skills."-Violet Year 5

"I liked that I played basketball whilst learning about wellbeing."-Nate Year 5

"The thing I like from Phoenix Soar is I play basketball and I learnt to be grateful."


Nature Play

Some people think they are gross and slimy but the kids were utterly fascinated by the worms we observed. We have watched them close up under the magnifying glass, observing how they move and looking at the features that are visible. Year 1 and 2 students spent this week over at Sonny’s, the weather was perfect and we set up three different exploration stations. They used the binoculars to search for birds and animals, went for a self guided walk and explored if cardboard would help them get down the hill faster.

Kitchen Garden

ANZAC day means ANZAC biscuits, not only do we cook but we learn about the history behind this delicious treat. The Year 3 students have started their cooking journey with biscuits and this week we made sushi. Students learnt how to hold the knifes and how to safely cut with a focus on the julienne technique.

Soil is such an important part of the world and in our garden lessons we have been learning about the multitude of layers that make up our soil by participating in a fun food experiment.

Environmental Science

Year 5 and 6 students are researching the adaptations of Australian Animals, next week we will be having a visit from the Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne and learning about the Southern Brown Bandicoot. Stay tuned to this space as we will have some special QR codes for you to use.


Students had the pleasure of being taught about pitch from Miss Walker, our music mentor from The Song Room. They drew pitch paths for their partner and sung high, medium and low notes to match the path. They have also been learning about rehearsing and performing and are looking forward to performing a musical item at assembly.

Junior School

Students investigated simple notation and learnt about TA and TI-TIs. They learnt to clap a simple rhythm and draw it using notation. They drew a simple 8 beat rhythm for their partner to clap. Needless to say some of the rhythms became very complex as they tried to challenge each other! They have also been learning about rehearsing and performing and are looking forward to performing a musical item at assembly.

Middle School

Students have had their first go at bucket drumming and are learning to work together to create a performance.

Senior School

Groove Pizza, an online music platform was explored. Students created their own beat to accompany their rap song .

Junior School

Foundation to Year 2 students have been learning keyboarding skills. They have been playing games challenging them to find the letters on the keyboard as fast as possible and learnt why the letters on the qwerty keyboard are not in alphabetical order.


Middle and Upper School

The  Year 3’s to 6’s have continued their journey with data visualization, focusing on using visual representations such as graphs, charts or diagrams to represent data. They have had to use problem solving strategies to decide how to create their tables in order to  accurately represent this in a data visualisation chart.

This week we are moving onto digital music and exploring the Chrome Music Lab, hopefully we will have some QR codes for you to use in the next newsletter.