Education News


Year 3 and 4 News 

What a busy term we have had so far! Year 3 and 4 students have been very lucky to participate in a range of extra curricular activities so far already. Students are still talking about the highlights they have had at school camp earlier this term!



Students have been working hard at the swimming pools this week, further developing their freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly. Many students braved the deeper pools, challenging themselves in the water.


This term our topic for inquiry is history; where students have been exploring the big idea of how different experiences change the way we interact with the community and the land. All reading and writing have been closely linked to inquiry- with students developing their own information report on this topic.


Students have engaged in understanding what life was like in Australia pre- European settlement through the eyes of Indigenous Australians. Reading and writing have been heavily focused on the arrival of the First Fleet in Australia and the impact this has had on Indigenous Australians and their land.


We are working towards designing and presenting their own research projects towards the end of the term. Students will be given the opportunity to choose their own focus with something they have been interested in this term so far. We look forward to show casing this later in the term during our student-led conferences.


Social Wellbeing

For the remainder of the term, the middle school are having a social target of behaving in a friendly manner at school. Positive achnowledgements and rewards are going to be handed out for students that are following this for the remainder of the term. It would be great if families could support this blitz by having a discussion with your children at home. 


Home reading

Middle school are also focusing on home reading for the remainder of the term. It is an expectation taht students are reading a goof fit book each night and that they are bringing in their satchel and home reading diary each day for teachers to be checking. Each day students are bringing in their reader, they will recieve a hole on their punch card. 1 hole is eqivalent to 1 positive acknowledgement.