Parent and Community News 

Reconciliation Week Breakfast 


Reconciliation Victoria and the National Centre for Reconciliation, Truth, and Justice invite you to a special breakfast to launch National Reconciliation Week. Hear from First Nations and reconciliation leaders on the importance of reconciliation, now more than ever, as Traditional Owners head towards Treaty negotiations with the state. 


Keynote address by Rueben Berg | Co-Chair, First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria. 

Facilitated by Uncle Charles Pakana | Editor, Victorian Aboriginal News.

Hear from Aunty Vicki Clark and Professor Andrew Gunstone.


Date: Mon 27th May 2024,

Time: 7:30 am - 9:00 am AEST,

Location: Online

Cost: Free

Registration: National Reconciliation Week Virtual Breakfast | Humanitix


For further information, please contact

Cranbourne Botanic Gardens - Wombat Stew Story Time

Bring your picnic blanket and enjoy some time on the Ian Potter Lakeside Precinct Lawn.

Botanic Ridge Family and Community Centre - Current Programs

Dads Matter - Night Stalk with Dad

Night Stalk with Dad is a fun evening out for dads, grandfathers and other father figures to take their children out after dusk and try to spot some nocturnal native animals. 

Bring along your torches and spotlights; we will provide red cellophane and elastic bands to protect the eyes of the native animals. 

This activity will be run in small groups and has limited tickets available.