Student Welfare and Wellbeing News

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Respective Relationships News

Fathering Project Dad's Night

Our next Fathering Project event is coming up on Wednesday June 12 starting at 5pm. It is a movie night under the stars, weather permitting. Bring  something to sit on, something to snuggle under and any snacks and we will provide the movie and a hot chocolate. See Compass for details on how to register

Weekly Dad Tips

Navigating adolescence in 2024 presents unique challenges!

In the midst of pervasive social media, escalating technology use, and the accompanying pressures, teenagers require your support. Teens undergo significant physical and emotional transformations, profoundly influencing their self-perception and confidence.

Given these dynamics, it's natural for teenagers to grapple with confusion and insecurity, making discussions about self-esteem crucial for fathers of teenagers.

As fathers, we play a pivotal role in nurturing our children's self-esteem, encompassing both their self-perception and body image.​​​

1. Be supportive

As they explore new looks and styles. This is a natural way of them exploring their identity and self-image.

2. Be aware

Be aware of the impact of negative body talk around your teenagers about your own body, other people and theirs.

3. Be realistic

Teach realistic expectations. Analyse different celebrities and influencers and discuss whether they are healthy or even realistic representations to compare themselves to. 

You can join our dad group for weekly tips and ideas and to know when we have any events happening by clicking on the link and searching for Cranbourne South. 

Student Supports @ CSPS

CSPS use the multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) to help students and teachers identify the most appropriate support required to make progress academically and behaviourally. At Tier 1, all students engage in Social Wellbeing lessons, at Tier 2 we offer the Oasis room and the CALM initiative. At Tier 3, students with developmental disabilities such as autism and behavioral disorders receive more intensive, individualised support through external health professionals.

CSPS Oasis Room is a place in our school that helps students chill, relax and get ready to learn. This space focuses more specifically on activities that will help students calm and focus, to better prepare for learning and interacting in social situations. Students may just need time by themselves or feel they are moving into or are in the blue, yellow or red zone and this space helps students to work through that with the support of an adult (and sometimes Smudge!).


CALM is a more structured way the school helps to support students with their wellbeing. CALM is an extension of the Social Wellbeing lessons with a focus on social thinking, understanding emotions and zones of regulation for students who prefer small group learning and/or may be experiencing challenges at school either with their learning or socially. CALM offers activities in a small group of 4-6 students with a Creative, Animal Assistance, Life skill and Mindfulness (CALM) approach to learning. 

Trivia Club

Do not miss out on our Trivia Club every Thursday at Break 2.  We have had some champions already in the thrilling world of general knowledge.  Out topic varies from week to week. We have been buzzing with junior school participants, but we are eager to welcome more students, especially from the Senior School. With interesting questions and friendly competition, it is the perfect way to exercise your brain and make new friends. Will you be our next trivia superstar? See you there! Mr Meade and Jackson I. 


Dance Club

In Dance club students have been completing a range of dance moves. There has been excitement, happiness and lots of laughter. Students help choose the dance along videos they wish to replicate. 

Attitude to School Survey 

Year 4-6

Students in Year 4 to 6 will be completing the Attitude to School Survey (AToSS) during week 7 in Social Wellbeing sessions.  The AtoSS is a voluntary annual student survey offered by the Department of Education to assist schools and the department to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school.  We value student voice as a means to improving student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction and will be asking your child about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer relationships, resilience, bullying, health and wellbeing, physical activity, and life in general.


Options for participation

Participation in this survey is voluntary. If you do not wish for your child to do the survey, please opt out via email to your school:  before the survey commences on Monday 27th May, 2024.

If you opt your child out of participating, we will ensure that your child is not provided with access to the survey. 


** If your school does not receive a Refusal of Consent email before the survey commencement date, as above, this will be taken as your consent for your child to participate in the survey.  However, as noted above the survey is voluntary: even with your consent, your child can choose to skip questions or withdraw at any time.