Student Leadership


Hi, I’m Jasmine, one of the Warren House Captains.


I’ve been at Ripponlea Primary since Prep and I love this school because we have a great community of students, teachers, and families.


I love art, reading, going to the beach, and hanging out with my friends. I love eating dumplings and my dad’s spaghetti bolognese.


Looking forward to having a great year with everyone!




Hi, I’m Alison!


I am so excited to be one of your Warren House Captains for 2024.


Here is a little bit about me:


I am 11 years old, my favourite food is pasta, I love Taylor Swift and ABBA and my favourite sport is swimming!!!






Hi, I’m Indi! 


I love cats, playing with my friends, and my favorite food is pancakes. 


I am 11 years old and can’t wait to make this school a better place! 






Hi, we are your sustainability team for 2024: Bilijana, Lucia, Vivienne and our leader Emi.


For the past two weeks we have been collecting materials to make a scarecrow for the Sustainable Scarecrow Schools Competition at the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show.


A parent helped us make a base and then we started making our scarecrow. We made arms out of scrunched up bits of recycled paper wrapped in old, reused plastic and a skirt out of old compost wrappings. The head was made from an old basketball, a body using an old school shirt stuffed with compost wrappings. We added a crown made from sticks and the eyes, nose and mouth using recycled bottle caps to make our scarecrow look more realistic.


We named our beautiful creation ‘Princess Earth’. 


Sadly, we didn’t place in the top three, but we are still very proud of our scarecrow. 


We worked hard and showed lots of creativity and teamwork, making Miss Cook very proud of our brilliant efforts! 


Hopefully, you got to see Princess Earth in the scarecrow area if you went to the Flower and Garden show on the weekend. 


- Lucia, Vivienne, Bilijana and Emi