REC News

Dear Parents and Carers,
Today, Junior Joeys began their Free Hat Friday fundraiser for Project Compassion. We were very excited to wear our favourite hat for a gold coin donation.
Next Friday, 12th April, we will hold our second Free Hat Friday and our Coin Trail. Students are invited to bring in coins, which will be used to build the trail. Please note that students are also welcome to use the coins from their Project Compass boxes if they wish.
Junior Joeys are hoping to raise close to $1000 to help train nurses in community health centres in the Philippines.
Families are asked to return their Project Compassion boxes to school by Friday, 12th April. All funds raised from our Free Hat Fridays, coin trail and Project Compassion boxes will donated to Project Compassion.
On Wednesday, 10th April, we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord with a Mass at 2 pm. In 2024, the Solemnity of the Annunciation (March 25) occurs during Holy Week. For this reason, its observance is transferred to the Monday after Divine Mercy Sunday this year. Due to our Sports Day on Monday, 8th April, we will celebrate our Mass on Wednesday. This feast celebrates the day the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and asked her to be the Mother of Jesus. Mary was an ordinary girl, yet God chose her to be the mother of His Son.
On Friday, 12th April, we will also hold our ANZAC Day Liturgy at 2 pm in our Stage 3 classroom, as ANZAC Day falls during the school holidays. Parents are welcome to attend both the ANZAC Day Liturgy and the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord Mass.
We wish all our families a safe and happy holiday.
Yours in faith,
Karlee Hatton
Religious Education Coordinator