Chair of the Board

On behalf of the Board, thank you for your interest in, and support, of Calrossy Anglican School!
I realise that some of our readers (perhaps most of them) may not know much about the Board. So let me fill you in…
Calrossy was established by an Ordinance of the Anglican Diocese of Armidale. This Ordinance sets out the Constitution of Calrossy – the governing document of the School. In addition, of course, the School operates under a whole swathe of government legislation including the ACNC Act, Education Act, etc.
Under the Constitution, the Board is charged ‘with ensuring the effective control, management and direction of the School and maintenance and protection of its property’.
The Board is to have between 8-12 voting members. Of these:
- Two are appointed by the Armidale Diocese’s Diocesan Council on the recommendation of the Anglican Bishop of Armidale;
- The rest are appointed by the Diocesan Council (usually on the recommendation of the Board – in turn based on recommendations from the Nominations Committee of the Board), and at least 2 of these group are to be a parent of a past or current School student;
- No voting member can be a member of staff, a spouse of the Principal or a spouse of a Senior Executive member of staff; and,
- Most importantly for the Christian purpose of the School, voting members must be ‘committed Christians who are either members or adherents of the Anglican Church of Australia, or hold equivalent status in another Christian denomination, and are willing to work within the ethos and requirements of the Diocese’.
In addition to the voting members, the Principal, COO and Chaplain have the right to attend all Board meetings and be heard, but do not have voting rights. At times other staff members may be invited to attend one or more meetings.
The Board generally meets twice a term, as well as holding a planning day in late January each year, and a PD day in the middle of the year. Board members are strongly encouraged to attend whatever School events, etc that they can.
Much of the detailed work of the Board is delegated to Board Committees, of which there are six:
- Finance (and the Foundation sub-Committee of Finance)
- Risk
- Governance
- Master Planning (mainly property)
- Strategic Planning
- Nomination
The Committees include at least two voting Board members, and, depending on the Committee, may include the Principal, the COO, the Deputy Principal, other members of the Executive and/or other staff, together with external members with particular skills.
At present the voting members of the Board are:
- Recommended by the Bishop: Rev Paul Foster, Ven Dr Tory Cayzer
- Other Diocesan Council appointments are:
- Ven Ian Millican (Board Chair, Chair of Strategic Planning Committee and Nomination Committee)
- Cameron Stewart (Deputy Chair, Chair of Master Planning Committee)
- Kim Scott (Chair of Finance Committee)
- Neil Smith (Chair of Governance Committee)
- Rev Hugh Cox (Chair of Risk Committee)
- Karen Madirazza
- Geoff Deane
- Andrew Corbett
Recently the Board’s work has focussed on master planning of our School properties; furthering the Christian focus of the School; delivery of the School’s Strategic Plan (including identifying relevant metrics); and financial management and budgeting. Future areas of work may include strengthening of boarding; indigenous education; AI issues; helping further develop our gifted and talented students; and staff/student welfare - to name a few.
We do have vacancies on the Board at the moment, and with several of our Board members stepping down over the next 18 months, there will continue to be a need for new members. If you fit the criteria outlined above and are interested in joining the Board, or want to find out more in order to consider it, or perhaps you know someone who may be a great addition to the Board, please do not hesitate to contact myself or one of the current Board members. We would love to increase the Board’s gender, age and cultural diversities – and particularly need people with skills in legal, education, risk management, finance, fundraising and property areas. Or if you are interested in serving on one of the Committees, again please do not hesitate to contact us.
Finally, and most importantly, if you are a pray-er, please do pray for the Board – the School operates in an increasingly complex environment, with many competing interests and voices, and we always need God’s wisdom and discernment as we seek to glorify him here at Calrossy Anglican School.
With thanks again for your support,
Ven. Ian Millican
Chair – Calrossy Board