Calrossy Community, P & F, and Foundation

Congratulations to Emily Taylor (Class of 2023) who took out the State Grain Young Judges competition at the Royal Easter Show.
Congratulations to Sophia Berlyn (Class of 2015) on the release of her newest single titled Take my Time check out her video here:
If you or someone you know attended Calrossy please encourage them to update their details here:
P & F
This Saturday we are seeking help from some of our handy people to work in the Tech Shed 9:30 - 1:00pm to construct the Infant's playground Mud Kitchens (which will look something like the image below, only better). We are very grateful for the support of Mr Jono Staines who will be on hand to assist.
If you are able to help please contact Secretary Mick Wilson on 0415 452 263.
We are looking forward to hearing the reaction of the students and thank you in advance for your help.
There was an extra bounce in our Easter Guessing Competition Prize winners’ step as they left school last Thursday afternoon. This fundraiser raised over $1000 and we are very appreciative for the support of the Junior School SRC who helped sell the tickets and to all of the families who supported us.
We hope you all enjoyed a safe and happy Easter break.