Student Celebrations

Celebrating many things that our students have achieved

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.

Term 1 Week 6

PAMyra GFor the resilience and maturity you’ve demonstrated when adapting to wearing glasses within just a few days! Myra, your independence and commitment to following a routine around using your glasses is outstanding. Well done!
PBJack QFor showing independence and bravery when transitioning from outside play times to class times. Congratulations on a brilliant start to Prep, Jack! Keep up the great work!
PCEva CFor setting a wonderful example to Prep C by showing kindness to those around you. Eva, I am so grateful for the empathy you show to others. Keep up the great work! 
PDIda PFor her incredible efforts in writing her special sentence this week. Ida, your commitment and dedication to presenting your best work at all times is so impressive. Keep on loving to learn!
PERemy RFor his demonstration of our Wembley value of empathy when helping the teacher in his classroom this week. Remy, your dedication to the classroom routine and processes made Miss G feel so welcome. Keep it up superstar!
1AEmiko SFor her hard work and determination when working in maths to achieve her goal of using a tens frame to model making numbers. Keep up the great work Emiko!
1BJames KFor his incredible effort and focus during independent learning time. James, you work really hard to focus, listen and follow instructions. Keep up the amazing effort. We are proud of you! 
1CWalter RFor showing the Wembley value of resilience. Walter, you have bounced back so well with your arm in a cast and have worked so hard trying to write with your other hand!  What an absolute superstar! 
1DElla GFor always showing a growth mindset with your learning and friendships. Ella, you have made such an amazing start to Year One, you are doing so many wonderful things in your reading, writing and maths. You should be so proud of yourself, superstar! Keep up the great work!
2BLucas DFor always following instruction, listening and doing his very best when learning. Lucas is a magnificent role model for his peers and I love teaching him!
2CWilliam KFor his fantastic concentration and effort when writing three digit numbers. Well done Will, you counted forwards and backwards from lots of different starting points. Keep up the amazing work!
2DOscar SFor demonstrating excellent behaviour and effort in class. Oscar, you have been getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things. You also display fantastic manners. Well done and keep it up!
3AMason B For always being a positive role model to your peers and approaching all your learning tasks with a positive mindset. Congratulations on a fabulous start to Year Three! 
3BElizabeth TFor consistently displaying her best efforts and being an amazing classmate. Elizabeth, your efforts so far have been exceptional! Keep it up legend!
3CAria SFor always being resilient and open to a further learning challenge. Aria, you have made a fantastic start to grade 3 and are a wonderful role model to all your peers. Keep up the fantastic work! 
4AIndy LFor showing a hugely improved amount of respect during class time, and for growing your ability to try in every learning session. It’s been awesome to see such an improvement this week. Keep up the great work, Indy!
4BIris O​​For her infectious enthusiasm for learning and her outstanding work ethic. Iris, it has been wonderful to see you extend yourself in your learning as well as supporting others. You are a wonderful role model in 4B!
4CAalia MFor the empathy she shows in the classroom. Aalia is quick to support her peers when they are upset or having difficulty. She notices the emotions of others and helps make 4C a supportive space. Keep it up Aalia! 
4DMila BFor consistently trying her best and showing respect towards her peers.  Mila, thank you for always showing such enthusiasm towards your learning and for spreading kindness in our room. You should be super proud of yourself! 
5AJacinta LFor an incredible effort during our JSC selection process.  Congratulations Jacinta, you have shown resilience, grace and a huge amount of determination throughout this term but listening to your beautiful and articulate speech during JSC was nothing short of inspirational.  I think you are truly amazing and a wonderful role model here at Wembley.  Congratulations and keep up the awesome work!  
5BFelix SFor a fantastic effort and growth in writing this week! Felix, you have really pushed yourself in writing this week, overcoming ‘writer’s block’ and improving your idea formation. Your effort and commitment has been noticed, and with continued effort, your year in writing is set to be a great one! Well done!
5CSofija SFor your outstanding dedication and hard work. You always try your best and I think you're a natural leader! I hope that you continue to set an example for other students with your amazing attitude and positive mindset. It's been great fun teaching you and getting to know you better this year, and I'm sure you'll continue to smash goals throughout 2024!
5DHazel DFor demonstrating an outstanding level of effort and behaviour. You have made a brilliant start to Year Five, congratulations Hazel!
6AHolly MFor your exceptional attitude towards everything you do, Holly! You are kind, polite and considerate at all times, and a role model to your peers. You try your best in all your tasks, and it is a pleasure to have you in our class. 
6BMariam EFor all your hard work and dedication to complete your literacy and numeracy tasks. Mariam, it’s amazing to see you so passionate about your learning and setting your own goals. I can’t wait to see what else you can achieve this year. I am very proud of you, Mariam!
6CKaiden TFor consistently cooperating well with others and approaching your learning with an enthusiastic and responsible attitude. Keep up the brilliant effort as it will help you achieve amazing things this year! Well done, Kaiden!

Term 1 Week 7

PAElia SFor the way that you have embraced all the new experiences since starting Prep! Elia, I am so proud of how you have accepted and adapted to everything thrown at you. Keep up the great attitude!
PBAleks BFor having a fantastic start to Prep in 2024. Thank you for your kindness and hard work, Aleks! Keep up the great work!
PCHarlan LFor showing the amazing counting strategies we have been practicing in Prep C. Harlan, I was so happy to see you have a go at lining up your teddies to count them! Well done. 
PDCharlie YFor the bravery and commitment you have brought with you each and every day! Charlie, we are so proud of your ‘have a go’ attitude as you accept and adapt to changes out of your control. Go Charlie!
PELucy JFor an amazing start to Prep in 2024. Lucy, you always give your best effort in everything that you do! You are a Prep E superstar!
1AHunter DFor being a wonderful member of our classroom, you light up our room with your kindness and laughter. Hunter, you consistently reflect our school values and display a positive mindset when completing your work. Please keep shining brightly! 
1BLayla RFor your amazing effort in everything you do. Layla, you work incredibly hard and try your best in all your learning. You are an amazing role model and a wonderful member of 1B. Keep it up you superstar! 
1CCharlotte RFor showing all the Wembley values each and every day. Charlotte, you are a wonderful role model for our class, consistently showing respect by being a fantastic listener, a hard worker and a kind friend.  What a super star!
1DFreddie RFor making a wonderful start to year one! Freddie, you light up our classroom with your kindness and happiness every day. You are showing a growth mindset and doing an amazing job in the classroom, and with Miss Zarah. Keep it up superstar!
2AJessica CFor challenging herself and working hard on presenting her JSC speech in front of the class despite her nerves. You did an amazing job and presented your ideas very clearly! Well done Jess, you should be incredibly proud.
2BTheia L For always trying her best in all learning areas, Theia’s workrate and commitment to her learning sets the standard for the class. Well done Theia, you’re growing every day!
2CJaden GFor the fantastic contributions that you make to our class discussions. Jaden, we appreciate the fantastic way that you listen respectfully, and the reflective, creative and humorous insights that you provide. Keep up the great work!
2DViolet TFor demonstrating a fantastic effort towards learning. Violet, you apply yourself to everything you do and produce fabulous work, especially in your persuasive writing! Well done and keep it up!
3AHayley MFor writing a beautiful Poem about Winter during our writing lesson. Keep  up the creativity and positive mindset. Congratulations Hayley! 
3BBonnie NFor consistently upholding the WPS values and setting a fantastic example for her peers. Bonnie, your kindness shown toward your peers is outstanding! Keep it up legend!
3CBillie AFor showing amazing Resilience in and outside of the classroom. Billie, you have done such a good job in using your strategies and being able to express yourself with any issues you may have. Fantastic work. Keep it up!!
3DMarko AFor your amazing efforts during NAPLAN. It was amazing to see you pause, rethink and persist with your Writing assessment. Well done on the brilliant attitude!
4ARory GFor showing great focus, dedication and hard work during our lessons on Number Sequences this week. Rory, your work has been awesome and it’s been amazing to see. Keep it up!
4BLennox MFor his focus and enthusiasm for learning. Lenny, you have been very impressive this week, across all areas of the curriculum, by working so hard and extending yourself in your learning. Keep up the fabulous work! 
4CJed DFor the responsible way he works on his learning tasks. Jed is able to work independently on challenging tasks and remain focused on what he needs to do. He maintains an appropriate noise level when completing his activities and checks in with the teacher to see if he is on track. Keep up the amazing work Jed!
4DDela JFor demonstrating exceptional resilience and determination in our number sequences work this week! Dela, well done on pushing through and challenging yourself, you should be incredibly proud of yourself. Congratulations! 
5AThomas FFor his incredible resilience and determination throughout the NAPLAN assessment period.  Congratulations Thomas, you were showing all of your Wembley values and did an awesome job.  Well done and I am so proud of you! 
5BFlorin UFor consistently demonstrating excellence in the classroom. Florin, your work ethic is fantastic and you have been flourishing in all subject areas this year. You are demonstrating all of the learning traits that will put you in good stead in the future. Well done and keep it up!
5CTheo LFor all the amazing effort you put into your learning! You always try your best to challenge yourself and learn new things, which is a big part of the reason why you're such an outstanding student. In addition, you are often able to help others because of your excellent listening skills and sometimes, you even correct the teacher. Keep it up, legend!
5DAmos HFor giving your best effort to every task. I have been so impressed by the start you have made to Year Five, keep up the great work Amos!
6APetar CFor your leadership and organisation when collecting classes for our school photos. Petar, you went above and beyond to make sure you achieved what was expected of you. Keep being a leader, Petar!
6BSienna LFor your amazing efforts and enthusiasm presenting your JSC speech. Sienna, it was absolutely wonderful watching you be brave and step outside your comfort zone to try out for this leadership role. You will achieve great things this year. Keep it up, superstar! 
6CKip LFor showing resilience and demonstrating great leadership qualities. Kip has been working hard towards achieving his goals and being a role model student, and he should be proud of his efforts. Well done Kip!




Student Newsletter acknowledgements


We LOVE to hear about student achievements outside of school. If there are any acknowledgements that parents/students wish to share with us and can be celebrated with our wider community, we ask that you email us at with the student/s name/s, a summary of the acknowledgement and any photos that you would be comfortable sharing and we will aim to include it in our fortnightly WPS newsletter.