Friends of Rowville Primary School

Easter Competition

Get your thinking caps on everybody and open your eyes wide 👀

The FORPS team have added some EGGsellent fun to Easter this year.

50 cents a guess.

Guess as many times as you want.

Guess the amount and the jar is yours!!

The Ceremonies and Events Working Party are being a wonderful support and will be accepting guesses and money 💰 on Thursdays.

Don't forget to bring your money on the Thursdays leading up to Easter.

Last year the FORPS Easter Raffle raised $1900. 

Don't forget to buy your raffle tickets this year at only 50 cents each. 

The office is now accepting whatever Easter delights you can donate for the Hampers. 

Our goal this year is to provide a valuable financial injection into the school but to also work closely with the students by including their input and ideas. 

Your ongoing support is appreciated by everyone, most of all our Rowville Primary School children. 


Now let's hop to it.

🐰 🐰

The FORPS Team


Easter Raffle

Please see below details of our FORPS Easter Raffle which will be drawn at the final assembly of Term One, Thursday 28 March. Tickets are available at the school office.

Entertainment Book

A great gift for someone special


If you are looking for something a bit different to gift to someone special, please consider an Entertainment Book. There are special offers at the moment. As a bonus you will also be supporting Rowville Primary School as 20% of the purchase price is donated to the school. Please follow the link to make your purchase.