School Captain News 

Term 1 Week 7


What's happening Week 8:

  • Harmony Day Incursion on Tuesday (Footsteps)
  • Parent URStrong online session 6.30 pm Tuesday
  • Year 5 Camp to Don Bosco Wed - Friday
  • Year 4 Girls Visit to Mercy College on Wednesday
  • 2025 Prep Tours Thursday 10 am

 Here is a riddle that you can try just for fun!

 “What runs and never gets tired?”


The answer is at the bottom of the newsletter


Harmony Week

Next week we are celebrating Harmony Week. Harmony Day every year is celebrated on March 21st. It is celebrated to celebrate all of the diverse cultures in Australia. Throughout the week in your classrooms, you will participate in different activities to gain a better understanding and awareness of different cultures. On Tuesday the whole school will attend the Footsteps incursion and everyone is encouraged to wear orange on Friday. Orange is the colour chosen to represent Harmony Day because it signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and the encouragement of mutual respect. 

If you wear something orange on Friday it can be for example a T-shirt, hair tie, socks, a hat or a ribbon. The rest of your clothes must be school uniform, it is not a casual clothes day. 


Yard Slips

This week’s winners are Harnidh from 3A and Antonios from 3D for being respectful.


Talent Show

We have been getting a lot of suggestions for a talent show, so soon we will host a talent show for all year levels, Prep to Year 6. So watch this space!!!


Behaviour Bucks

This week’s Behaviour Bucks winners are 3C with 37 points and 4A and 5A with 35 points.


Kindness Award

Meharmeet from 2D got this week's kindness award for being especially kind to a young boy who got hurt and was alone. Thank you for being so kind. 






Introducing Monty our Python

The Reptile Club


Monty is a black-headed python, and he is from Northern Australia ( Western Australia - Queensland).  Monty is a nocturnal snake meaning he is not very active during the day. Their black head is used to absorb heat, kind of like a solar panel. Monty is very slow, their maximum speed is only 1.6km per hour.

Black-headed pythons are not venomous, in fact, in the wild, they love to eat large venomous snakes, they also eat lizards and other snakes. 

Monty is a gentle giant, measuring around 8’8, which is why he is the king of olps, but he can grow up to 10’.  Monty is very smooth and glossy. Monty is 10 or 11 and can live up to 30 years old!


Answer to the riddle: 

A River!


Enjoy your weekend. See you all next Monday!

-Ivy, Amelia, Lesra & Cruz