Catholic Identity

Whole School Mass - Tuesday 19 March

On Tuesday 19 March the whole school community celebrated The Feast of St Joseph by attending mass with Fr Patrick in the Church at 9:30 am. A lovely celebration of our Parish and School’s Patron Saint. 


Joseph, a humble, hard-working carpenter, lived in simplicity and obscurity. Through no merit of his own, he had been promised a beautiful young woman-Our Lady. Little did he know that, through Mary, God would dramatically transform his life. He was invited to raise a divine child, with many unforeseeable consequences, fleeing and living as a refugee. 


At a natural level, God’s request was very strange and his plan demanding- calling for heroism. Yet in the moment of the angelic invitation, Joseph is silent. He remains silent in all that follows. 


Like many of the best of men, he sees no news to speak. This life, this mission is a gift from God. In obedience and without fuss, “He did what the angel of the Lord had told him to do.” From this startling but hidden beginning unfolds the greatest adventure of human history; the advent of Jesus, “The one who is to save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). 


By doing what the Lord asks, despite the heartache and difficulties, Joseph cooperates in God’s saving plan for the world. Remarkable! 


While our lives may be even more hidden than Joseph’s, God also asks us to live with great courage and love. May we, like Joseph, in humble, no-fuss obedience, do what the Lord asks, trusting that in our own small way we are also cooperating with Jesus’ saving work.


St Joseph's Day

Year 2 enjoyed making St Joseph with his toolbox of qualities. Year 2 listed some of St Joseph's qualities: kind, helpful, loving, compassionate, inviting, generous, forgiving, caring and happy. 

Harmony Week


Harmony Week runs this week between Monday 18 March – Sunday 24 March 2024, with Harmony Day being Thursday 21 March. This week provides an opportunity to celebrate Australian multiculturalism and the successful integration of migrants into our community. The theme of Harmony Week is ‘Everyone Belongs’. 


LENT - Holy Week School Prayer

This coming Sunday (Palm Sunday) marks the beginning of Holy Week. As a school community, we will begin each day next week in prayer focusing on the events of Holy Week, the most important week of the Church’s year. This is the week when we remember the last days of Jesus’ life on earth, a time of both joy, great suffering and sorrow. Parents and friends are most welcome to join the staff and students at this time. 


During Lent, we have tried to follow Jesus’ way.  It is the way of love and the way of forgiveness.  As a school community, we will gather to follow in Jesus’ footsteps as we remember the events of Holy Week and prepare ourselves for Easter. 


On Monday Stage 1 students focus on Palm Sunday, when Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem like a King.


On Tuesday Stage 2 will focus on the events of Holy Thursday when Jesus shared a meal and washed the apostles' feet, as a great act of love and service.


On Thursday 28 March 2024:

  • Year 5 will remind us during morning assembly of Jesus praying in the garden, his arrest and his sentence
  • Year 6 will focus on Good Friday ‘Stations of the Cross’. Sessions for each grade will be held throughout the day in the school hall.  A parent session will be held from 9:15-9:45 am. All parents and carers are very welcome at this session.  Year 6 students are to wear Sport uniform.

Kindergarten will lead Easter Morning Prayer in Week 10 - Thursday 4 April.


UPDATE - 10cent Containers  for Project Compassion

With one week to go the race is on for which house will be on top of the leader ladder by next Thursday. 


Currently we have:

1stYellow house $15.80 (158 containers)
2ndGreen house $12.40 (124 containers)
3rd Blue house $11.60 (116 containers) 
4thRed house $8.40 (84 containers) 

We would love to double the amount raised so far. 


Thank you to all who have donated and even dropped containers off to school! Amazing. 

Every little bit helps. 




Thank you 

Grace M 

2024 Sacramental Dates

2024 Yr 6 Confirmation and Yr 3 First Holy Communion Parent Sacramental Prayer Evening will be held in the Church with Fr Patrick on Wednesday 22 May at 6pm. This Prayer Evening is  for the parents of students who are making the sacraments this year in the Bulli Parish (not students).


2024 St Joseph's Bulli Sacramental dates for Confirmation are:

  • Term 2 Week 8 Tuesday 18 June and Wednesday 19 June at 7pm.

Enrolment forms will be available in the coming weeks.


Year 2 First Reconciliation (Term 4) will be communicated once finalised with Fr Patrick.