Principal's Page

Dear Parents and Carers

As we approach the final week of Lent, we are called to prepare for Holy Week - the most sacred time in our Church’s calendar. Holy Week begins this Sunday, with Palm Sunday commemorating Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and concludes on Holy Saturday.  During this sacred week we are called to pray and reflect on the profound journey of Jesus’ suffering, sacrifice, and his resurrection.


An intentional Holy Week can serve as a spiritual pilgrimage that deepens our faith and as such, our students will be honouring the events of Holy Week this coming week with liturgies and prayers and of course through guided reflection during Religious Education lessons.  


Our Parish is warmly inviting all families and students to celebrate the beginning of Holy Week with Palm Sunday this Sunday morning at the 8.30am mass followed by Morning Tea.


On Tuesday, our school and Parish community gathered to celebrate the Feast Day of our patron Saint, St Joseph. This was a beautiful celebration and the opportunity to reflect on the person of St Joseph as generous, just, courageous and humble. St Joseph is a great witness of faith. It is interesting to note that nothing is spoken by him directly in the Gospels, rather what we learn about him from the Gospels is through his actions. In this sense, St Joseph is a great evangeliser and intercessor for our community.


School Assemblies

Hearing and acting on the voice of our students and staff is very much valued. Recently, the voice of our students has prompted us to evaluate our weekly school assemblies and as such from Term 2, we will be moving to fortnightly assemblies. Assemblies will be held from 2pm on Fridays during Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. To ensure our Award system is not affected by this change, double the awards will be presented each fortnight. That is, each class will award 4 Merit Awards and 2 PB4L Awards each assembly.



To ensure all students are dismissed safely, we do not dismiss students until 2.55pm. Coordinating the dismissal of 409 students requires procedures that have been developed as a result of past experiences and issues. We are constantly evaluating these procedures and ask that parents support these by waiting until 2.55pm to move off with their children. Thank you in advance. 


Kaylene Duffin

Principal, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School


Principal Awards

Our Principal awards are presented to students fortnightly on the even week.  


The following students will receive their Principal Awards at our assembly at 2.00pm on Friday 22 March (Term 1 Week 8). 

Benjamin A1st
Savannah B1st
Benjamin D1st
Ivy M1st
Harrison M1st
Allie H1st
Gia S1st
Jax V1st
Noah S2nd
Aria H3rd
Harvey W3rd
Lachlan M4th
Xavier C2nd
Ivy B2nd
Evie S3rd & 4
Sophie G4th
Gabriel A3rd
Lani B5th
Nieve R5th
Noah H4th
Mikayla K6th

How does my child receive a Principal's Award?

Class teachers nominate students for Blue Merit Awards which are presented at the weekly assembly.  When five Blue Merit Awards have been received, students send them to the school office to be recorded and are then eligible for a Principal’s Award. When students attain their 4th Principal Award, they are awarded a Principal’s Medallion at an assembly. End of Term awards can be included as part of the 5 awards.  Please see the "School Handbook" for a full list of eligible awards.

Acknowledgement to Country

St Joseph's Bulli acknowledges and pays respect to the Dharawal people past, present and emerging the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is built.