Year 4 Specialist News - Term 2


Transdisciplinary Theme: 

Who we are 

Central Idea: 

 Art captures the human form through creative expression 

Lines Of Inquiry:  

  • Artist representation of the human figure in artwork  
  • How artists use colour and texture to add depth and interest to their artwork 
  • Abstract form of the human figure for creative expression 

 Key Concepts: 

perspective and form 

 Learner Profile Attributes:

 inquirer and open-minded    

Students Will Create:  

  • A self-portrait illustration in chalk pastels on black card. Applied effective use of colour, detail, and form to reflect expressive character and self-image
  • A snapshot of painted eyes on a wooden block. Skilled application of paint and considered use of colour, to capture creative expression within the limited area of the eyes
  • Ceramic sculpture of abstract facial parts. Clay modelling ability to capture detail of individual facial features and effective composition of the sculpture


Transdisciplinary Theme:

 How the world works 

Central Idea: 

Understanding the way materials behave and interact determine how people use them 

Lines Of Inquiry 

  • The different forms of matter 
  • The way matter works 
  • The way matter can change 

Learner Profile Attributes: 

balanced, risk taker 


Key Concepts:

 form, function, change 


Students Will:  

  • Look at the properties of gases, solids and liquids and decide how to sort different examples.  
  • Explain how solids and liquids are alike, but different.  
  • Predict and investigate how matter can change state due to chemical or physical changes.   
  • Experience and be exposed to different experiments to demonstrate the way solids, liquids and gases can change state.  

Transdisciplinary Theme: 

Who we are 


Central Idea: 

The body is made up of different systems that need to be maintained in order to stay healthy 


Lines Of Inquiry 

  • The body systems and their components 
  • The way body systems work together 
  • The way we keep ourselves healthy 

 Learner Profile Attributes:

 risk taker, knowledgeable, inquirer 


Key Concepts:

 form, function, responsibility 


Students Will:  

  • Explore the differences between the 5 different senses (hearing, sight, taste, touch and smell) 
  • Investigate sight and hearing further by conducting fair tests in collaborative working groups. 


Transdisciplinary Theme: 

Who we are 

Central idea:

A song is made up of different elements like a body is made up of different systems  

Lines of inquiry: 

  • A musical composition and its components 
  • The way musical elements work together 
  • Music helps with wellbeing and a healthy outlook 

Key Concepts:

form, function, responsibility 

Learner Profile Attributes:

 risk taker and knowledgeable inquirer 

 Students will: 

  • Learn rhythm patterns to accompany a rapped song 
  • Study the lyric structure of a song 
  • Experience loops and turnarounds and use chords to create their own loops 
  • Create group compositions based on two chord turnarounds 
  • Create word loops and a ‘round’ 
  • Create an arrangement using rhythm groove, turnaround and improvisation 
  • Create body percussion for rhythm ostinatos 
  • Form a connection and understanding of remote communities, as they work towards a whole school performance, to raise funds for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. 
  • Sing songs connected to their unit of inquiry 

Physical Education 

Transdisciplinary Theme: 

Who we are 


Central Idea: 

There are many ways we can keep our bodies healthy and fit  


Lines Of Inquiry:  

  • The way we develop movement sequences to express our creativity. 
  • Skills that help to create balance and a healthier approach to our fitness 
  • The importance of movement and fitness to lead a happy, healthy life. 

 Key Concepts:  

Responsibility- we are all accountable for our own actions and movement can enhance our bodies for the chance to develop a positive lifestyle. 

Form- can we create a movement that relates to our physical well-being? 


Learner Profile Attributes: 

knowledgeable and risk taker 


Students Will:  

  • Incorporate aspects of physical fitness into warm up activities for cross country.  
  • Refine the Fundamental Motor Skills of passing and catching in modified invasion games such as handball and basketball 
  • Introduce the concepts of attacking and defending and moving into space during modified games 
  • Gymnastics skills to develop combinations of movement through flexibility, strength, rotation and balance with personal expression 
  • Beginning to develop skills in athletics that can enhance their bodies to develop in a certain way