Wellbeing News

As Bully No Way Day is officially scheduled for Friday 16th August, and this is a closure day for our school, we have re-scheduled this day until Friday 13th September.
There will be more specific details about the day, but we will be asking the children to wear a touch of orange on this day. We look forward to working in mixed aged groupings with our buddies on this day completing activities about Bully No Way.
Our Wellbeing Leaders are organising to make some orange jelly for this day, so if anyone can donate packets of orange jelly I know they are on special at Woolworths this week for $1.35!
Our Bully surveys last term showed a decrease in reported Bullying which is fantastic to see. We are constantly working with the children in exercising positive social interactions with others.
Eithne King
Wellbeing Leader