Classroom Reports

F/1A - Foundation and Year 1A
The last two weeks we have been very energetic, both with our House Athletics and Reading Olympics. Our reading stamina is increasing; we have read independently from our Book Boxes for 30 minutes at a time on several occasions! Reading each night at home also helps improve our skills. Our reading is sounding fluent as we begin to recognise words automatically.
Our counting in maths is also sounding fluent. We have investigated patterns by creating them with shapes, colours, objects, and numbers. We have discovered some interesting number patterns, through skip counting.
We also discovered some interesting flavours of smoothies. The Year 9 students showed the children the ‘smoothie bike’ and made them a drink from some of the produce from the school vegetable garden. Not sure this would ever be an Olympic event, but we had lots of fun watching the mixture blend with every turn of the bike wheel.
Clever Cat and Naughty Cat are taking turns of visiting each child at home. So far, they have had many adventures. Riding motorbikes, shearing sheep, meeting stumpy tail lizards, eating ice-cream, painting and reading are just a few of the fun activities recorded and photographed.
Mrs Chalmers, Classroom Teacher
F/1B - Foundation and Year 1B
Hello Parents/ Caregivers and Community Members
It’s a neck and neck race in the Reading Olympics. Please continue to listen to your child read at home and log those minutes. Thank you.
Our House Athletics were a hit!! The students participated in all events. Enjoying the whole day. Let’s just finish this with Go Jacka!!!
We have learnt the sound 'z' and the diagraphs ee, qu and zz. This has seen the students being able to read and understand more words and also to be able to improve their sentence writing.
Could you also please remember to get your children to do their homework. This is a way of reinforcing their learning at school.
In Inquiry we are focusing on the weather. We hae been keeping a table to record the daily weather and will now make a focus on the clouds.
In Maths we have been exploring patterns. We have explored the patterns in nature as well as creating different patterns with concrete materials. We are now venturing on to number patterns.
In Digital Technology our Chromebook knowledge is getting better with practise and we are creating documents and recording our writing and then printing it out. They are so proud of their work.
Dates to Remember
6th- Whole School Assembly
7th -Special Whole School Assembly
Thanks for all your support.
Have a great day.
Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher
Year 2
On Monday, Grade 2 were lucky enough to have the Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh students come and teach a lesson about healthy eating. We did an online quiz to check our knowledge of vegetables and then some of the grade had the chance to have a spin on the smoothie bike. Then we got to taste the carrot and mint smoothie we had created with our own pedal power! After that we visited the school veggie patch to see what was growing.
Over the last few weeks, in Writing, we have been focusing on making our narratives more interesting by using ‘sizzling starts’ at the beginning. Students did a great job of using sounds to create engaging story starts. We are now working on ‘tightening tension’ in the middle of a story. One way to do this is to have the character try to solve the problem in different ways. After watching a pretty hilarious short film called Ormie, students drew the different wacky ways that the character tried to get a bowl of cookies from on top of a fridge. Next, we will use our drawing to write about Ormie's hair-brained attempts!
Last week in Inquiry, we investigating how older telephones worked and we created our own cup and string phones. It was surprising to hear how well our voices travelled via the vibrating string.
Hopefully everyone is keeping warm in this final month of Winter.
Ms Young and Mrs Wright, Classroom Teachers
Year 4 & 5
The Olympics is a very exciting time, and we have been busy learning all things ‘Olympics’ in 4/5 from individual athletes to persuasive texts. We channeled our inner athletes in the school sports, it was great to see everyone dress up and participate in the events. A special congratulations to Mia Clarke and Mia Collins in winning our class best dressed!
In Inquiry we have been learning about ancient Greek culture as part of our 3/4/5/6 Inquiry unit. We have explored Greek food, pottery, laurels, scrolls and clothing.
We are currently leading the Primary reading marathon (woohoo!) It is awesome to see our class reading each night to gain points for their house - Go Ansett (and Jacka)!
Miss Eilish, Classroom Teacher
Year 5 & 6
Thankyou to the parents and guardians for attending the parent teacher interviews. If we discussed additional work or resources they will be sent home this week. More information will be provided to individual students.
In class we have been learning about autobiographies, biographies and memoirs. Students have enjoyed learning about Anh Do and his story.
I'm pleased to say that homework, organisation and weekly reading has been completed more frequently. Please keep up the great work so you can establish good habits.
Finally, this week we're learning and focusing on positive emotions. We can feel good about making others feel good, so students have been asked to mindfully think of one thing each day they can do. Sometimes it can be the little things that make a big difference.
Have a great fortnight.
Mrs Turnbull, Classroom Teacher.
Year 7 2025 Information Evening
Year 9
Ms Herrington and Miss Van De Wetering, Year 9 Homeroom and Duke of Ed Teachers
PE News - Mr P and Miss Milne
Year 10 – Golf at Wedderburn Golf Course
Year 10 students completed a practical unit of golf at the Wedderburn Golf Course. The amazing Jill Millie volunteered her time to assist with students understanding the game, golf etiquette and technique. Students were able to show improvements across the unit and enjoyed getting out on the course. We are very lucky to have great community facilities to utilise and great people in the community willing to give up their time for us.
Whole College Athletics Carnival
On Friday 26th of July, Wedderburn College held the Annual College Athletics Carnival. A mass of yellow and blue descended upon Donaldson Park to support and cheer on the houses of Jacka and Ansett. It was fantastic to see students & families in great attendance. The contest between the two houses was hotly contested, with the weather putting on a beautiful day for us. Congratulations to Jacka who won both the Primary and Secondary House Shields. This now means that the House Championship will come down to the Reading Olympics to decide the overall winner.
Age Group Champions were as follows:
- Year 5-6: Meika Collins & Brodie Turnbull
- 12-13 Year old: Lily Finch & Blaz Cramp
- 14 Year old: Lucy Rollinson & Ben Cunningham
- 15 Year old: Kayla Cramp & Jamie Penrose
- 16 Year old: Jade Cramp & Noah Winslett
- 17-18 Year old: Kalais Crees & Beau Hartnell
Primary students who achieved 21 points (a perfect score for all 7 events):
- Nate Turnbull & Blake Collins
A special mention to the following students for ALMOST achieving a perfect score with 19 or more points:
- Jack Thomas
- Sam Turnbull
- Albert Postle
- Charlie Cramp
- Angus Kerr
- Heath Polkinghorne
- Brodie Turnbull
OSHC Program
To Parent/Carers,
Please be aware, if your child/children has a booking to attend Wedderburn OSHC Program ensure that you inform the College of any changes which may arise. This needs to done only by the Parent/Carer and not by the student. This will avoid any confusion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Trina Vaughan, Melinda Springthorpe and Annette Hunt.
OSHC Coordinators.
Don't wait for the end of semester to view your child's progress. Log in to Compass and view teacher feedback and feed forward at any time by checking out your child's Learning Tasks. Children also receive regular (every 5 weeks) progress reports on their Organisation, Behaviour, Attitude to Learning and Work Completion. Learning Tasks and Reports can be found on you child's profile page.