Connect: Year 3
Whoo Hoo! Not long until Camp! The Grade Three's are gearing up for a fun time together! Please reach out if you have any questions! See further information down below:
What's coming up this fortnight?
Date | Event |
Week beginning 19th August | Book Week (more information to come) |
Tuesday 20th August | Professor Bunsen incursion |
Wednesday 21st August | Book Week Parade 9:15am |
Friday 23rd August | Father's Day Stall |
Monday 26th August - Wednesday 28th August | WE ARE OFF TO CAMP - Whooo! |
Friday 30th August | Father's Day Breakfast |
The excitement is beginning to build for our exciting camp coming up in Week 7 (Monday 26th - Wednesday 28th). I have attached the camp packing list below again for everyone's convenience:
Some helpful 'camp tips' for parents:
- Pack your child's bag with them so they know where they can find their items.
- Don't forget wash bags/plastic bags/large ziplock bags for dirty clothing.
- Practise getting in the shower and adjusting the taps independently.
- Practise putting their sleeping bag, sleeping items back in their bags.
- Packing cubes or ziplock bags with clothing organised by day is handy!
- A coat iscompulsory with Melbournes unpredictable weather at the moment.
- Talk about what they're excited about, what concerns they have and reach out to us if you think you need support.
Please also note the following information coming into the final weeks before we go:
- Next week, a medical form will be coming home. If your child requires medication during Camp time e.g. ventolin, spacers or current medicine; these forms will only need to be brought back on the DAY OF DEPARTURE completed with the medication. Medication and the form will need to be dropped off at the front office on the morning of leaving. If your child will not require medication, please ignore this information.
- School hats - on the packing list, we have asked for school hats to be included. Thankyou to those families who have already returned theirs!
- If you haven't already, please pay and sign the permission form on the QKR app. If you need assistance with this, please see the front office.
- The camp will be a NO technology zone. This is inclusive of phones, smart watches or any device.
If you have ANY questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via phone, in person or email. We are happy to discuss any queries.
LIBRARY: Did you know we changed our library day? The Grade 3's now attend on a Wednesday. Please don't forget to send your child's library bag or satchel. It is a great opportunity to change up the books they read for home reading!
What's happening in the classrooms?
This week we have begun to explore narrative, specifically features of fairytales! We have brought in a range of fairytales and some of them different versions of classic stories! We will be exploring what makes a good plot, similiarities and differences as well as character perspectives. We will also tie the topic into Maths by creating fairytale lands with features such as castles, enchanted forests and villages!
The past fortnight has been busy looking and analysing information about the Olympics! We have collected data about athletes, countries and populations. The students have then learned about displaying this data into graphs and making conclusions.
This week we have entered into our 'mapping' unit. This will involve looking at features of maps, reading them and their key features. We have still been practising our number fluency. You can continue to develop your child's skills at home by practising their timestables and addition and subtraction facts!
Potato Olympics was a MASSIVE hit with both teachers and students alike this past fortnight. We explored different countries, looked at cultures, compared populations, flags and medal tallies. We watched different sports and celebrated our amazing Olympians. What a phenomonal example they have been for our wonderful students! The kids had their minds blown when 14 year old Arisa Trew became our youngest gold medal winner in Australian history. What a legend to look up to! See some fun photos below showing our diving, shotput.... and even our closing ceremony!
This week, the students were lucky enough to attend a special production by 'Brainstorm Productions'. The company are specialists in bringing anti-bullying messages to schools and this year their performance was called 'Sticks and Stones'.
This week is the week for 'Action against Bullying'. Students have been involved in activities, role plays and discussions about the importance of treating others kindly, fairly and with empathy.
After our amazing curriculum day with Berry Street, our Grade 3 team has also come back refreshed with some great brain breaks and positive primers which allows our students to recentre and start their learning positively!
The Day the Crayons Quit
Who knew writing letters could be hilarious? The teachers were impressed with the level of humour the students included in their letter's to Duncan. They used their imagination and understanding of personification to create some very creative letters. See some featured below. They are also hanging in the 3A and 3B classrooms!
Need our emails again? Here they are! Please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
3A - Amy Jung (M-W)-
& Taryn Clough (Th & F) -
3B - Helen Hamill -
Have a lovely fortnight.
Kind Regards,
Amy, Taryn & Helen