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Key Dates



Library for all Preps

Please supply a library bag

Monday August 19th-23rdBook Week
Monday 19th AugustProfessor Bunsen Incursion
Wednesday 21st August 9:15amBook Week Parade
Friday 23rd AugustFather’s Day Stall
Friday 30th AugustFather’s Day Breakfast



During Literacy, we are focusing on being a ‘good writer’ which involves being organised, sitting correctly, pincer pencil grip and correct letter formation. Students have enjoyed writing sentences during our dictation sessions. They have written sentences such as, Ted is on the red bed. Did you see Viv on the hill? We have also discussed what a noun, verb and adjective is. Children have been reading a big book each day and focusing on the features of a fiction and non fiction text. We are discussing the characters and retelling the story.

Letters/words covered so far: Future letters/words
  • All alphabet letters
  • Words ending in ll, ss, ff, zz  (The Floss Rule) 
  • Suffix and plural /s/
  • CVCC words eg. camp
  • CCVC words eg. flip
  • CCVCC eg. cramp
I, the, my, the, me, he, she, to, do, was, we, see, this, here, of, are, her, for, too, his, you, me, said, comehave




In Maths we are learning the teen numbers and representing them as ‘ten and some more’. Children are counting forwards and backwards from 0-20 and writing the numerals. We are representing teen numbers with materials such as unifix, icypole sticks and tens frames.


Here is a representation of a teen number.


Next, we will be learning about subtraction. Children will be creating number stories and representing subtraction stories with manipulatives.


Children learn important maths concepts through play. Here is a link to a game you could play at home:


Chasing the Magic Number




Our Inquiry Unit is titled 'Weather and Seasons.' Throughout the term, children will investigate different types of weather and the impacts of weather on our daily lives. They will also observe daily and seasonal changes in the natural world and explore how animals survive in cold weather. 



Here is a story about the seasons:

ABC Seasons





Please remember to send your satchel to school daily and check for notices. We will endeavour to change readers every Monday. Students have a QR code to Decodable Readers Australia with their own personal log in details. This is an excellent tool you can use at home to aid your at home reading. Additionally, each week we will provide students with a decodable book and an interest book, which will need to be returned to school. 


Library Bags:

Please send in a named cloth bag every Tuesday for the library. This is a separate bag to their satchel. Students will not be allowed to take a book home without a bag. 


Toileting Before School

Please remind your child to use the toilet before school so that their learning is not interrupted in the morning session.


Spare Clothes

With the wet weather upon us, please ensure your child has a change of clothes in their bag. This must include 2 pairs of socks and a full set of uniform (t-shirt, jumper, underwear and pants/dress)


Grade 6 Buddies

Every fortnight, the Preps and their Grade 6 Buddies are participating in a variety of exciting activities. These include outdoor games, art, gardening, scavenger hunts and more!


Brainstorm Production Sticks and Stones Presentation

The children enjoyed their educational theatre production that promotes resilience, cyber  safety and anti-bullying. The program encourages positive connections, co-operation, impulse control and respect.

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