Principal's Report

A Message from Julie..

We have started Term Three with a few exciting changes to our Blue and Green Villages. Over the holiday break new glass walls and sliding doors were installed. This is to allow for greater flexibility within our learning spaces. Over the next couple of months we hope to continue this to include Purple Village and also the spaces in between each classroom. If you haven't already come in for a visit I invite all families to join their child’s morning prayer and explore our new spaces. We have also redesigned our front office to create an inviting new space which facilitates collegiality and functionality for our office staff. 


We have many families with outstanding school fees. It is crucial families commit to their financial agreement as these funds contribute to the ongoing running cost of the school, such as maintenance, utilities, council rates, etc. School fee statements were recently sent to families and a follow up phone call arranging a meeting with me will take place in the coming week. The purpose of the meeting is to understand the financial situation families may be in and to determine a plan with support of the school moving forward.