Counsellors Corner 

Mrs Leanne Miller


How can you gain more self-control?A person who thinks that self-control is a limited resource will be more likely to give in to temptations. Plus, when we perceive a task as effortful, we show poorer self-control. This may mean that you can have more control simply by shifting your perspective. Self-regulation is the ability to control one's behavior, emotions, and thoughts in the pursuit of long-term goals - to think before acting.

Self-regulation also involves the ability to rebound from disappointment and to act in a way consistent with your values.

You can improve your self-regulation skills by practicing mindfulness and changing how you think about the situation.

Once you've learned this delicate balancing act, you will begin to self-regulate more often, and it will become a way of life for you. Developing self-regulation skills will improve your resilience and ability to face difficult circumstances in life.

Self-control can play an important role in relationships, well-being, and overall success in life. People who can manage their emotions and control their behavior are better able to manage stress, deal with conflict, and achieve their goals.


A prayer:

God, I know that sometimes it feels like getting angry is the correct response to a situation, whether it’s in my control or not. Instead, God, fill me with Your Spirit so that I can exhibit the qualities that you desire. Galatians 5:22-23 says that “the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control”. I long to be more like You, Lord, and to know the fruits of the Spirit in my daily life. Instead of anger, give me self-control and peace. Help me to approach individual situations with wisdom and a calm head. Amen.

Mrs Leanne Miller

College Counsellor