Mambourin Campus

The Fruits of the Spirt:  Self-Control

We have had a wonderful beginning to Term 3 with students engrossed in varying learning activities. It has been wonderful to observe students and teachers reconnect after their mid-semester break and take the time to revise routines, agreements and expectations.


Part of what we set out to achieve on a daily basis is the ability to get along with one another. Whilst most of our interactions are fun, positive and educational, young children are learning to navigate the complexities of communication and friendships. As such, they can act out in various ways and like everyone, make errors of judgement in the way that they interact and respond.


As Christians, we are called to show grace when our relationships are broken, and this often takes self-control to respond in an appropriate manner. Self-control is essential for our children. It means having the discipline and commitment to manage feelings, actions, and decisions according. Teaching self-control helps children make responsible choices, even in difficult situations. It encourages them to stay focused on their relationships and personal development with integrity and wisdom. By nurturing this quality, we help our children navigate life confidently and responsibly.

Mr Steven Tkaczuk

Head of Mambourin Campus

2E Delve into Our New Bibles

To kickstart the new semester, Good News Lutheran College has provided Year 2 students with Bibles. This marks the beginning of a journey of spiritual exploration as students ponder questions about the Bible's content and purpose. Alongside of the learning in Christian Studies our children are learning the foundations and values of the Lutheran Faith.

Mrs Vishula Kataria


Mambourin Prep News

At the start of term 3 assembly, some students showed how communities create connections and a sense of belonging for all, by raising funds through the Jump Rope for Heart initiative. Congratulations to all.


Through our developing Inquiry unit of 'Who We Are', the students came back settled and ready for learning. They have developed their self-management skills and are more independent. They quickly slipped back into their usual routines, recapping their essential agreements, sporting a sense of pride for knowing what to do. The Prep students have had a wonderful start this term with everyone being ready to take on their next learning journey for 2024. Parents, you should be so proud of yourselves, as the students have shared how they have been exploring their skills over the holidays, highlighting their growth as speakers, writers, mathematicians and in managing their own belongings.


This term, we have started our new Inquiry unit How the World Works. We will be looking at it through the science lens of “Living things need different energy sources to survive”. Ms Hauser brought in her dog to allow the children to consider and question the survival of a living thing we care for. We asked questions to discover what he needs to survive and thrive. The excitement of meeting a ‘living thing’ not usually at school, provoked the children to think more broadly and to consider their own theories to explore. Through the unit, we will develop understanding of energy sources and the ways in which we define living and non-living things.

Ms Renee Stockenstroom
