Primary Years, Tarneit

Mrs Maria Denholm 

Developing Self-Control

One of the best things parents can do for their children and teachers can do for their students is to help them develop self-control. Self-control is the ability to manage impulses, emotions, and behaviours to achieve long-term goals. 


This sounds pretty hard to me and even as an adult, I know the areas where my self-control is not yet fully developed! As a Christian I know I have been given self-control as a ‘fruit of the spirit’ but also that as a human I am a sinner who will continue to make mistakes.


To begin to develop self-control a child need lots of opportunities to recognise and name their emotions and have them validated by a caring adult they trust. This adult can then help them understand the impact of various actions and decisions, which may include letting the child make not such good choices. Doing this through play is a great way to support the process of growing and learning. If a child is never exposed to these situations, they will not have the practical experience to use self-control when it is really needed.


Self-control is more about making good choices at the right time than it is about being disciplined or having willpower. One of the best ways that adults can support this growing ability in children is by modelling it themselves and talking about their thinking as they make choices. Ultimately it is not about controlling or shaming a child into doing or not doing something. Building self-awareness and confidence so that self-control becomes a tool to draw on as they manage impulses and emotions throughout their life is an ongoing goal. The brain is like a muscle – it strengthens throughout life, depending on how it’s used.


Parents who are emotionally responsive, set empathetic limits, model emotional regulation, and encourage children to pursue their passions will set their children up to have self-control.

Mrs Maria Denholm

Head of Primary Years

Thank you for the German Game Donations


The German department would like to thank Emma T for her generous donation of German games. She saved money from her can collections to donate multiple copies of four different games, so that they can be used in the class. We look forward to the students using their German language in class to play these games. 

Thank you again, Emma.


Mrs Talita Zibell

Assistant Head of Primary

Year 2 Scienceworks Excursion

On Wednesday, 24 July, the Year 2 students went to Scienceworks. In class, we are beginning to look at our new unit, How the world works. Our central idea is Earth is a part of an interconnected system that affects our daily lives. We did different activities like exploring the main museum area, and Energy Lab to learn about Mars and rockets and watched the show, Tycho Goes to Mars in the Planetarium. 

Mrs Emily Chommanivong


Firefighters Prep Visit

Firefighters visited Good News Lutheran College to share their knowledge with our Prep students. Th students learnt about emergencies, fire safety and the role of Firefighters in our community.