21st Century 

Learning Space

Library News


The Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Books of the Year are regarded as Australia’s most prestigious children’s literature awards. There are five sections to the awards that are suitable for primary school children. They are:

  • The Younger Readers section, 
  • The Early Childhood section, 
  • The Picture Book of the Year, 
  • The Eve Pownall Award for Information Books and 
  • The New Illustrator Award (formerly the Crichton Award). 

We’ve previously taken a look at the six nominations for the Early Childhood Section, Picture Book Section, and the Younger Readers Section of the Australian Children’s Book Awards (Library News Issues 8, 9, 10). This week let’s take a look at the Eve Pownall Award for Information Books. The nominations are:-


Australia: Country of Colour by Jess Racklyeft

This book is a wonderful celebration in colour of the stunning plants and animals of Australia. “With its vivid red dirt, big blue skies, wild green bushland and golden sandy beaches. From vibrant pink flame peas to startling blue fairy wrens, glossy black Tasmanian Devils and lots more. Discover Australia’s natural paintbox and the rainbow of life that lives here.” 


Country Town by Isolde Martyn and Robyn Ridgeway

Country Town takes us decade by decade on a journey of discovery from the 1820’s to today's world in a small country community. There is a lot of information throughout and a timeline of events at the end. In one word informative.


Eww Gross: Foul Facts and Putrid Pictures by Dan Marshall

You would be right in thinking that the students at Rowville Primary School will love this book. It’s gross! It has the foulest facts about space, earth, humans, animals and science. There are fantastic things to discover. For example, did you know that there’s poo on the moon? That whales do 974 litres of pee in the ocean every day, that there’s a wall covered in chewing gum that’s over thirty years old. This book is perfect for curious minds and I loved it! You are never too old to learn something new even if it is a little gross. Investigate, discover, experiment and learn about the world around us. I hope this book wins the gold medal for this section of the awards. It was very interesting and not one page of boredom even if I did go eww gross while I was reading it!


Our Country: Where History Happened by Mark Grenwood

The blurb for this book states “History is out there… In every corner of Australia, the past is waiting to be discovered.  Find it in ancient rock art and a haunted convict prison. Explore a cave that echoes with the spirit of resistance. Search for a tree blazed with a fateful message. Visit the site where a legend was born. Our country is calling…”  Learn about Australian history from 1878 to 1992 and some of the significant events that shaped our nation. 


This Book Thinks Ya Deadly! By Corey Tutt

Over 70 First Nations People from all over Australia are highlighted in this book by Corey Tutt. It is a celebration of people doing great things across the arts, education, sport and science. People like Cathy Freeman, Dr Anita Heiss, Troy Cassar-Daley, Deborah Mailman, and Christine Anu. 


Tamarra: A story of Termites on Gurindji Country by various authors

Tamarra means ‘termite mound’ in Gurindji. This book is all about termites and the traditional knowledge of the people on Gurindji Country. I love the artwork throughout the book. There are some beautifully detailed pictures which enhance the information. There is also some ‘Did You Know’ facts, a glossary and pronunciation guide and other fascinating scientific information. It’s a very interesting read.

The Australian shortlisted books make great reading. They are all waiting to be explored, discussed, shared with others and read. If you ever see a book with the CBCA book award logo on it, take another look, as these books are regarded as some of the best books published in Australia, by Australian authors and illustrators and made especially for Australian children. Enjoy reading the award winning books!


The CBCA award winners will be announced during Book Week. Book Week will be celebrated Australia wide on the 19th to 23rd August, 2024. This year’s theme is Reading is Magic!


Ms. Polistena, Mrs Welti and the Literacy team have been working on our Book Week Celebrations. Families are invited to come along for a morning of reading and writing poetry together on Thursday 22nd August, 2024 starting at 9.00am. Our Book Week dress up day is Friday 23rd August, 2024. Come to school dressed as one of your favourite book characters.  We look forward to celebrating Book Week with our Rowville Primary School community. 


This year’s reading challenge is almost over and our students have been avidly reading so that they can complete it. The Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 students are reading thirty books with their classroom teachers. The students in Years 3 to 6 are reading fifteen books.  It is fantastic to see that the students at Rowville Primary School love to read all sorts of books, they love to learn, to engage with the book and share things that interest them.  Keep up the good work.



Thank you to the person who donated some children’s graphic novels to the school. They will be processed shortly and available for students to borrow. Thank you very much.


Jackie Hicks

21st Century Learning Space Manager