Year 10 Health Day

On Tuesday 16th July Year 10 students participated in two programs focusing on their wellbeing; Man Cave ‘Building Respectful Relationships’ and Body Safety Australia ‘Naked Truths: Affirmative Consent, Respectful Relationships and e-safety'.  


The key takeaway from the very popular Man Cave session was the acronym LEAD: Listening, Empathize, Ask questions, Do it. The presenters did a great job of creating a safe space for all students to participate without judgement.   


We received some great feedback from a parent about the Body Safety Australia program (this has been de-identified for privacy reasons): “I've just had the best conversation with my daughter about it. She was absolutely blown away by how much she enjoyed it! I've never seen her so passionate about one of these programs before! She was very impressed with the topic coverage and how it was delivered from what sounds like a fabulous woman. She said the girls were all very comfortable in sharing their thoughts and ideas and some things really struck a chord for her in equality, privilege and how far we've come in society. So just wanted to share the positive vibes and let you know my daughter thought it was a great success. Thanks so much.” 



Deanne, Mitali and Imogen
Ziah, Jack & Zian
Deanne, Mitali and Imogen
Ziah, Jack & Zian



Marijke Graham

Year 10 Coordinator