Year 10 Work Experience

During Week 3 our Year 10 students ventured out on a week of Work Experience. The purpose of this program is to prepare students for the demands and expectations of the working world and to provide them with an opportunity to gain insight into a workplace of interest. Our students bravely acquired experience in a wide variety of industries including construction, plumbing, hair and beauty, education, health and hospitality. The reports we have received from the employers and our students has been extremely positive and our students are to be commended for their incredible effort.  


Here are some of the amazing reflections from our Year 10 students: 

It was very fun and I learnt a lot of cool things that I hope I can use later in life- Jasmine G 


It was really fun and I'm thinking about being a teacher now- Callum G 
It was amazing! - Zara B 


I enjoyed seeing how the workplace ran and how differently it was from high school while developing connections with few of my coworkers- Raven C 


Work experience was a great way for me to see what life could be like after school as a physio and made me really think whether I was interested in being a physio- Tyler W 


It was a good experience to do and see what some future pathways can lead to- Will T 


Congratulations on a successful week in the workplace.  


Melisaa McMurray

Careers, Pathways & Transitions