Science Visit to Heathmont East Pre-School 

On Friday 16th August, myself and our Science Captain, Amy Johnson had the pleasure of visiting Heathmont East Pre-School to celebrate Science Week by demonstrating 3 experiments on chemical reactions. We also talked about the importance of safety and talked about our safety equipment such as out lab coats, safety glasses and gloves. 


The 3 experiments we did were:


Colourful chemistry. Mixing combinations of sulphuric acid (acid) and sodium hydroxide (alkaline) then mixing with Universal Indicator to produce a variety of colours along the pH spectrum.



Catalyst Reaction. Mixing manganese dioxide with hydrogen peroxide which produces a very fast steamy reaction.



Elephant Toothpaste or "soapy snakes". This experiment mixes hydrogen peroxide and potassium iodide (with a splash of colour and dishwashing liquid) to make a very exciting reaction.       




I have it on good authority that the pre-school students loved science workshop as much as we loved delivering it. We hope that our visit helps spark a lifelong love and curiosity of science.


Thank you so much Heathmont East Pre-School for having us! And thank you to Amy Johnson for giving up her time and Justine Olsen for preparing the experiments for us.



Shane Hunt

Science Teacher / Acting Assistant Principal