P & F News

School Disco 

Our school disco was a very successful event for all our students, who enjoyed the delicious food organised by our wonderful P & F committee, as well as dancing and entertainment from 'DJ' Con. It was great to see so many of the students dancing and enjoying the music and light show.  


Our sincere thanks to our DJ, P & F organisers and helpers for this event, teachers and staff who supervised on the night and to all our wonderful students.


Please see a gallery of photos from the event below ~


The 'Meet and Greet' team
Parents and Friends
DJ Con
The 'Meet and Greet' team
Parents and Friends
DJ Con

Dear Parents and Guardians,


The P & F is seeking donations of prizes for the Father's Day raffle.

If you know of any businesses that would like to donate a voucher or product/item for the Father's Day raffle, please contact Marelia on M: 0431 782 019 or

Emma on M: 0401 089 099. 


Many thanks,

P & F Committee